Having watched the ongoing debate surrounding a possible name change for CIBSE, I feel that some of the previous correspondents need to look at the bigger picture.

Suggestions include substituting services with sustainability or design, but not every member of CIBSE works within these fields. For example, I work in the facilities management sector, and I know of several other CIBSE members who are also members of the British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM). I am quite sure that there are also CIBSE members who are surveyors or architects, and I think that they too would also feel somewhat alienated if any new name for CIBSE was to emphasise one particular field.

I would suggest that the CIBSE name is not changed, as although it may not be perfect, it covers a larger majority of the membership than some suggestions. However, if there is to be a new name, it should be all encompassing to ensure that every member is proud to be part of the institute.

Andy Hamilton ACIBSE IEng MBIFM, Glasgow