Are you thinking of upgrading your membership? Would you like to learn more about the application and interview process?

Find out more by attending our free membership and registration briefing sessions around the UK. The main focus will be on applications for the associate and member grades and registration with the Engineering Council at the incorporated engineer and chartered engineer level.

Information is provided on a range of subjects related to membership applications, including:

  •  CIBSE membership requirements and routes
  •  Engineering Council (UK) registration requirements and routes
  • The application process
  •  How to prepare the engineering practice report
  •  Using the competence criteria to identify main competence areas
  •  The professional review and competence review; how to prepare and what to expect from the interview

Dates and locations

3 December

Cardiff, the Quality Hotel, Coryton, 5:30pm for 6pm start

10 December

Edinburgh, Melvin House Hotel, 6pm for 6:30pm start

24 January 2008

Manchester, University of Manchester, 5:30pm for 6pm start

Reserve your place online at or contact Louise Enslin, CIBSE membership and registration coordinator, email or tel 020 8772 3642.

Spaces are limited and are booked on a first come first serve basis, so don’t delay in securing your place.

ETB free registration offer ends this month

The Engineering and Technology Board offer of free registration to CIBSE members is coming to an end. The ETB kindly waived the initial Engineering Council (UK) fee for all new applications and upgrades for registration received in 2007.

To take advantage of this fantastic offer please ensure CIBSE receives any applications* which can lead to ECUK registration by 31 December.

For more details on the routes to CEng, IEng or EngTech registration contact Pearl Mensah, CIBSE membership and registration manager, email or tel 020 8772 3644.

*Standard route CEng MCIBSE or IEng ACIBSE applications

EngTech LCIBSE applications

Graduate applications after attaining the academic standard for IEng or CEng, CEng or IEng applications via the standard route after attaining MCIBSE/ACIBSE membership

Technical report route applications for IEng or CEng after attaining MCIBSE/ACIBSE membership