I write in response to David Burton’s letter “What about the lighters?” (BSj 02/08).

As a fellow past president of the Society of Light and Lighting, I recognise many of the issues he has raised and we have discussed together.

I think that since the original formation of CIBS time has moved on. So also has the lighting profession, in particular the emergence of the lighting designer as a separate profession outside the arena of building services engineering.

In this respect the role of CIBSE to support and promote lighting over the years has changed and this has been reflected in the formation of the SLL. In the future CIBSE will have to support both the building services engineer who needs to know about lighting, as well as the specialist lighting professional. Both of these have quite different needs. How this will be achieved is under discussion, but it is clear that CIBSE will continue to ensure that the needs of its members with respect to lighting will continue to be catered for.

As a vice-president and board member I am able to ensure that David’s concerns, and those of others, are acted upon. It will also be my place to represent all lighting members as CIBSE President in 2009, the centenary of the Illuminating Engineering Society.

Mike Simpson, past president SLL, vice-president CIBSE