Here’s an idea which ticks two corporate social responsibility boxes: entering your team for the COINS Three Peaks Challenge. You’ll be teambuilding and at the same time raising money for a very worthwhile charity.

This year, 46 teams battled their way up the UK’s highest mountains: Ben Nevis in Scotland (1,344 metres), Scafell Pike in the Lake District (978 metres) and Snowdon in north Wales (1,085 metres). In the process they raised £344,000 for overseas development charity CARE International.

A total of 23 teams completed the challenge in under 24 hours with Sovereign Group managing the fastest time of 20 hours and 17 minutes.

Construction and house building software firm COINS has been running the event for five years, raising more than £1.1m in that time. In 2008, money raised from the event will go towards organisations focused on construction projects: Habitat for Humanity, Stepping On and CARE International.

If you think your team has got what it takes, you can register now for next year’s event, which takes place on 17-18 May. Go to or contact, tel 01753 501 078.