The results of a British security Industry Association research initiative have revealed that business in the CCTV sector has increased for the second year in succession.

The research covers the BSIA’s CCTV Section members, and was undertaken to find out more detail about the current state of the sector.

The figures depict a thriving CCTV sector, with 85% of respondents stating that their business had increased over the past 12 months and 15% asserting that business had remained the same. This confirms the growth predicted by the same piece of research when it was conducted in 2005. Significantly, 85% of respondents are once more predicting a business increase in the next year.

The research showed a slight change in emphasis among the three top sectors for installers’ sales by value. The 2006 research suggests that town centre management schemes are the top sector (representing 32% of sales) followed by leisure/arts facilities (17%) and transport (14%). In 2005, the top three sectors were leisure/arts facilities, retail and then transport.

Awareness of and compliance with standards is another encouraging area. 90% of respondents are ‘very aware’ or ‘reasonably aware’ of the new BSIA Code of Practice concerning digital video evidence. Also, 95% of respondents are either ‘very aware’ or ‘reasonably aware’ of the British Standard for detector-activated, remotely monitored CCTV BS 8418. 80% of respondents are already compliant with the standard.