Symposium brings together former students to celebrate achievements in the built environment and sustainable architecture

The Graduate School of the Environment at the Cutting edge Science Symposium at the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) has announced its sixth science symposium on the 9 and 10 October at the centre in the foothills of Snowdonia.

The keynote speech will be on ‘lobe cities’. Dubbed climate proof eco cities, they boast eco-sensitive design initiatives that enhances bio-diversity, encourages sustainable architecture and ensures ecologically sound planning in cities.

The symposium will bring together friends, colleagues and former students to celebrate achievements and recent developments in the built environment and sustainable architecture.

Over 70 students who have completed the Mac Architecture: Advanced Environmental and Energy Studies will graduate in the Sheppard Lecture theatre at the CAT centre during the event.

The event is open for public. For more information visit the CAT.