This weeks movers


The Wessex Housing Partnership Group has appointed Jo Bevan and Jo Martin technical surveyors and Sian Lewis-Harding contract administrator.

Linden Homes Southern has appointed Laura Smith sales manager


Hoare Lea Consulting Engineers has appointed Ashley Bateson partner.

Architect PRP has appointed Andy von Bradsky chairman and Roger Battersby managing director.

Simons Group has appointed Mark Newton and Tony Barnes to its developments board. It has also made Giles Walter operations director and Jim Kendall finance director.

Dewjoc Architects has appointed Craig White and Keith Hodgson architectural technologists, Liz Waller interior designer and Joanna Hinchcliffe architectural assistant in its Newcastle office. It has appointed Mark Stephenson associate in London.


Suffolk fabrication supplier Multi-Fab has appointed Lucy Akintaro production planner and controller.