The manager of the month shows no allegiances: Everton fan he might be, but Mark Yates showed no allegiances when it came to picking his fantasy football team, and it certainly paid off

Another fiery month in the Premiership has been and gone, giving fantasy football managers real headaches when it comes to their team selection. One man who has been flying this month is Mark Yates from St Helens. The Pilkington employee is October's manager of the month with his team All Stars 7.

The Everton fan was given a helping hand by his 12-year-old son Matthew, who despite his Dad's blue blood, is a Liverpool fan! Mark is still confused about how this happened, but it certainly keeps things interesting in the Yates house. However, no allegiances were shown when it came to picking the team, and currently Edwin Van der Sar, Rio Ferdinand and Louis Saha are on the Yates' team sheet. Who says Liverpool fans think with their heart rather than their head?

Mark, 39, is looking forward to using his £300 of Marriott vouchers, courtesy of Pilkington, and here he gives some advice on how he won the coveted prize:

‘I have to say that most of my success has been down to luck. My son is football mad so he's been helping me, and one of the main tactics is not to pick any Everton players!

‘We've also been lucky with our transfers, picking players that have then gone on to score goals. We also make sure that we look at upcoming fixtures and change our team accordingly. We log onto the site every Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday to make sure we don't miss anything. Until John Terry we hadn't had anyone sent off which is also good as you can lose lots of points then.’

Are you going to take Mark's points on board? Or are you doing alright by yourself? Make sure you keep an eye on the stats as points change daily, since a bad run could see you plummet down the table.

One of my main tactics is not to pick any Everton players!

Track the in-form players

Players that are currently in-form include United's Nemanja Vidic, Wayne Rooney and Louis Saha and Villa's Gareth Barry. Players that you may want to give the elbow are Marcus Hahnemann and Jamie Ashdown.

But will this continue? You can't take anything for granted, and results may surprise you – just take Tottenham's win in the league against Chelsea – the first in 16 years. Who would have thought it? Plus Captain Fantastic, John Terry, getting sent off for the first time for Chelsea. He's been brilliant so far, but mistakes like this can cost you dear in the race for prizes.

Those that are topping the Pilkington Fantasy Football table so far are We're Not From London Uno, Premier Allstars and Pyro Athletic.

Can you catch them? A few good results can see you zoom up the league, and see you challenging, like Mark, for manager of the month. So what are you waiting for? The next prize is up for grabs, so log onto fantasyfootball