All Buildings articles – Page 87

  • Richard Quincey's house

    The DIY sustainable home


    What happens when an engineer decides to build his new family home? Will Jones reports on Gifford director Richard Quincey's house, built two years ago, including an assessment of the performence of the solar systems he installed

  • Features

    The pool that (nearly) sank its architect


    In 1996, one of Britain’s hottest young designers was given a £7m leisure centre project in north-east London. Over the next 11 years, it mutated into a £45m disaster that cost him his London office, his marriage and £250,000 of his own money.

  • Home Office, Sheffield

    When it’s hip to be square


    The new Home Office HQ in Sheffield may look an unremarkable block but it is setting the style for green workspace.

  • Exterior of Bicton Arena

    Horses for courses


    Bicton Arena equestrian centre in Devon has a new management centre as green as its parkland setting, thanks to the client’s commitment to sustainability

  • Features

    Two up, two down, plus one


    PCKO has come up with a novel solution to the cramped, dingy terraced house – add an atrium

  • Features

    With knobs on: Barratt's energy-saving technologies measured


    These houses have had all manner of wonderful energy-saving technologies fitted to them by housebuilder Barratt. But are they any good and are they worth spending money on? Barratt asked researchers at Manchester university to find out …

  • St Nicholas Church

    Carbon cutting church


    A Church in Kent has embraced creative solutions for cutting its emissions. The scheme shows how changes can be made to a listed building while retaining its original features

  • Seventy-five native plant species have been introduced in the BRE gardens

    Take in the view


    Landscaping is set to be the next big thing in sustainable design so Thomas Lane went to BRE’s Innovation Park to see how it should be done

  • Extensive use of prefabrication was employed on the project, including the use of service modules

    Repeat prescription: St Helens & Knowsley hospitals PFI


    For the £338m St Helens & Knowsley hospitals PFI, Taylor Woodrow upped the dose of replicated factory-made elements to new levels.

  • News

    Bedzed's baby: Zedfactory housing in Andover


    Green architect Zedfactory has designed a housing development in Andover that takes the Bedzed principles and shows how they can be paid for

  • The 25 × 11m model stretches from Canary Wharf to the Isle of Sheppey in Kent – representing a distance of 75km

    Looking ahead...


    Curious to know how the Thames Gateway will look when it’s all finished? Well if you feel like going to Ashford in Kent, there’s a model already built. And if you don’t, don’t worry, Chloë McCulloch’s already been and she took her camera

  • News

    Pines Calyx - setting the sustainable standard


    The Pines Calyx in Kent, which won small project of the year in last night's Sustainability Awards, offers a blueprint of environmental best practice, both in sustainable construction techniques, embodied energy and water and waste management. With energy data consumption attached.

  • The Aldo Leopold Center

    Wood takes the LEED


    Through renewable materials and energy, the Legacy Center in Wisconsin America is the first US project to be judged carbon neutral building by the LEED certification. With full building performance data

  • Features

    A tale of a tile


    The compressing of clay dust to form a small tablet that can be baked and painted was a Victorian invention that became a Victorian obsession. Stephen Kennett tells us how one modern council set about emulating their achievement

  • Features

    Nature nurtured


    Studio E took two 120-year-old plane trees as the starting point for its west London primary school – and as the inspiration for a whole toy cupboard of sustainable features. The upshot is that these could be the first kids ever to love their greens.

  • Features

    Britain’s new front door


    St Pancras station is about to become the last vital part in the 186mph link that connects London with the rest of Europe. So just as well that it’s an architectural and engineering triumph, then. Martin Spring looks at how it was achieved

  • The Hawking building

    Big green giants


    The most hotly contested category in Building’s Sustainability awards this year is the Large Project of the Year, which considers the sustainability credentials of projects worth more than £2m. Thomas Lane reports on the six shortlisted entries

  • News

    New RIBA book offers string of case studies


    Sustainable Architecture publication assesses the performance of 45 UK projects that range from housing schemes, schools, offices and refurbishments

  • Westway Beacons at night

    Beyond ground source heat pumps


    Consulting engineer Fulcrum is trialling the use of an active cooling system from the Continent which it reckons could be part of the answer to the urgent need for renewable energy sources in city centres

  • Sweden’s green utopia

    Sweden's green utopia


    This new Stockholm suburb demonstrates how simple, robust, centralised systems can outperform flashy designs bristling with turbines. But can it work as a model for Gordon Brown’s eco-towns?