The industry includes an impressive range and variety of roles – but unless you are on the inside it can be hard to know how to break in, let alone progress to the top. In this  series, we talk to professionals about their often surprising career twists and turns

Robert Willden Headshot

How long have you been working and what is your current job?

I have been working in the industry for almost seven years now. I left school when I was 17, unsure what I wanted to do. So, when a friend offered me a summer job at The Ritz in London, I willingly took it. I worked my way up from bellboy to luggage porter to concierge, before deciding that I wanted to travel.

When I returned, I no longer wanted to work in hospitality so reached out to an agency who placed me at a construction consultancy in London as a facilities manager. From there, I went to a small family-run cost consulting firm, where I worked while completing my quantity surveying apprenticeship degree at London South Bank University.

Unfortunately, the firm was forced to close during the pandemic, so I found myself job searching again. This is when I came across Linesight. The culture at Linesight spoke for itself and I instantly felt drawn to the role.

I distinctly remember a director saying to me that “Linesight is about bringing on the right people. If you have the right skills, we can nurture you and offer you the next steps in your career.”

My current role as a cost manager involves lots of face-to-face time with clients, which actually gives me the chance to draw on a lot of the skills I gained working in hospitality! My job is to make sure that the costs of materials and works and quantities are estimated correctly for my clients – including when the scope of a project changes.

I need a broad understanding of materials, and how to cost them and calculate quantities needed, as well as drawing on negotiation skills and really good attention to detail!

What excites you about going to work at Linesight?

I work mainly on life sciences projects, which is a rapidly growing, mission-critical sector, especially since Brexit and the pandemic. There are a lot of exciting opportunities as a result.

I am also studying for my chartership so that I can keep developing my skill-set. I have received nothing but support and encouragement from my colleagues and the business.

Linesight is partnered with the RICS to deliver the APC programme, which has always had a good reputation and great pass rate, so I am confident that this will help me progress my career.

What were your initial career ambitions? (Would your 16-year-old self be surprised at what you’re doing now?)

Never in a million years would I have imagined that I would be working in construction. At 16, all I wanted to do was to get a rugby sports diploma. University wasn’t on my agenda. My dad was a self-employed builder, although this didn’t give me much insight into the sheer scale of multinational construction projects.

Who or what helped you to get where you are today?

Speaking to the different people across the businesses I’ve worked at, and learning from their experience, has definitely had a positive influence on my progression and having the opportunity to study again by taking on an apprenticeship really helped me to make my way into quantity surveying.

I am grateful to the people I’ve met along the way who have helped me to get where I am today – their support and belief has helped at every stage of my career.

Did your choice of subjects or qualifications in school/education help or hinder your ability to get a job in the sector?

When I left school, I just had my GCSEs and AS Levels. Without the opportunity to take on an apprenticeship in my late 20s and study for a quantity surveying degree, I would not be where I am today. It was a great route into the industry.

Have you had to overcome any barriers to get where you are today?

The main barrier for me was deciding whether to commit to a five-year degree course, at a time when I felt I was too old to study again. Knowing that I wasn’t the most academic at school and still figuring out if quantity surveying would be the right choice was a huge mental barrier that I had to cross.

What helped me to overcome this was that I was mature enough to know that I wanted a steadfast career, and that I would be able to work and study at the same time. Visualising is a technique that works well for me, so learning on the job really suited me.

What are the best and the hardest parts of your job?

There is a lot about my job that I love – the range of people I work with, getting to follow the progression of a project, and the sense of pride I feel knowing that I have played a role in developing the final product and the impact it has on people’s lives.

I would never really have considered the impact that working in construction can have on the development of life-saving products and medicines – but it’s all connected.

I would also promote the value of apprenticeships to anyone – it really worked well for me!

A recent highlight for me was getting to work on a major life sciences project in Switzerland. At first, the site was just a blank canvas, so it was incredible to see it transformed into a fully operational commercial office space in the mountains.

What do you know about the industry that you wish you had known when you were at school?

I wish I had known how vast the construction industry is and how many different types of jobs are available. As well as the typical trade roles, there is a lot going on digitally and the consultancy work that we do is at the cutting edge of this.

There are also different options for those more inclined towards design or coordination.

As a new starter, what most surprised you about the industry?

The number of people involved in delivering a project. The only parties I was aware of were the client, architect and the contractor. I never had reason to think any differently. In reality, there are cost managers/quantity surveyors, project managers, sub-contractors, structural engineers and so many more!

What advice would you give someone coming through the school system now about choosing a construction-related career?

To not have tunnel vision. There is so much variety and a whole host of jobs available to those leaving school, so don’t be afraid to get experience in different parts of the industry – it really stands you in good stead to have that broader perspective.

I would also promote the value of apprenticeships to anyone – it really worked well for me!

What one thing would you change to make it easier for someone to find the right career in the sector?

Having more flexibility between different areas of the industry. There is so much that can be applied from one job to another, in terms of transferrable skill-sets.

Any other advice or comments?

When I first committed to my degree, I was quite hesitant and the thought of turning 30 just as I finished was daunting. Luckily, I spoke to friends who gave me the confidence I needed and insisted that jumping at this opportunity would be better than wasting time waiting.

You can always change again if another opportunity comes up or it isn’t working out. So, keeping an eye out for new opportunities to grow and learn, and an open mind in that regard is essential.