Officials in Budapest have adopted IndigoVision’s complete end-to-end IP video solution to provide city-wide CCTV surveillance

IP Surveillance

Remote monitoring

The city of Budapest has adopted IndigoVision’s complete end-to-end IP video solution to provide city-wide surveillance. The new system is helping the Budapest authorities’ increase public safety with the remote monitoring of public places and tourist spots.

The system has been installed by IndigoVision’s local partner Erando, and consists mainly of 68 dome cameras that monitor the 14th Century district around central Budapest. At the heart of the system is Control Center, the enterprise video and alarm management software installed in the central Control Room situated at the district Police Station.

Five operators each use a Control Center PC workstation, four monitoring live video feeds and one analysing recorded video.

All camera video is recorded on NVR software.

Erando has installed a wireless network around the central district that accommodates not only the current system, but also has additional capacity built-in for expansion at some point in the future. Each dome camera is connected to an IndigoVision 8000 Series transmitter/receiver unit which converts the analogue feed to DVD quality, full frame rate digital video for transmission over the wireless network.

Advanced compression technology minimises bandwidth requirements and ensures that the operators at the Police Station view video that’s indistinguishable from analogue equivalents.

Traditional analogue CCTV technology is ill-suited to the large distances involved in wide area surveillance. Internet Protocol-based systems are also well-suited for extending existing CCTV installations and creating a ‘hybrid’ solution that uses existing investment and creates a migration path that’s pretty much indistinguishable from analogue.