10:00AM UK QS firm teams up with Rider Hunt and Levett & Bailey

UK QS firm Bucknall Austin has signed a deal with Rider Hunt and Levett & Bailey to form a world top three cost consulting, project management and advisory practice.

Bucknall Austin MD Simon Birchall, said: “We want to achieve global best practice and become the natural consultant of first choice. With the ever increasing movement of capital we need to be able to support our clients globally. The world continues to get smaller and I know we will be well placed moving forward with this powerful practice to meet our clients ever-changing needs, help them exploit new markets and offer our team the most compelling career prospects."

The move will bring together three businesses and 1,800 people under a one umbrella. The new firm will boast more than 70 offices across Asia, Australasia, Europe and the US, including 11 operations in China.

The three partners plan to share knowledge, ideas, experience and international benchmarks. Existing business and ownership structures will remain unaffected.

External consultants have interviewed staff at all levels in the three businesses worldwide to advise on common culture and values and to recommend a common global brand, though the Bucknall Austin name will continue to be used for the foreseeable future.

A final decision on the global identity is expected next month.