BSj and the UK Green Building Council invite you to join a morning debate on Tuesday 14 August to discuss and challenge the issues surrounding calculation of the carbon intensity of grid electricity.

We know many of you see this issue as central to your ability to meet government targets on reducing the carbon emissions of non-domestic buildings. So we are partnering the GBC to give you the chance to share your views and expertise on how these calculations impact on the bigger questions you face about future investment in carbon reduction technologies.

As well as discussing what the figure should be, the session will attempt to cover how, and how often, the value should be reviewed.

The event will be chaired by Oliver Knight, energy policy analyst at the Sustainable Development Commission.

Key contributors include:

Professor David Fisk of Imperial College, who is co-director BP Urban Energy System Project.

Chani Leahong of Fulcrum Consulting and director of Sponge, the sustainability network for young construction professionals.

Log on to for updates on speakers and the event.

Venue: Building Centre, 26 Store Street, London WC1E 7BT; 8.30am - 10am. To register, email carbon@ mission-21.comat