An omproved BSIA web site complete with a new design has been launched to coincide with the Association’s 40th Anniversary celebrations.

The site which can be found at provides a comprehensive information source for members, their customers and the wider security industry.

BSIA chief executive David Dickinson comments: “Disseminating detailed, accurate and timely information on the private security industry is something which the BSIA has always been proud to do, and the introduction of our new corporate identity last year offered an excellent ‘window of opportunity’ to revamp the organisation’s web site.

“The new site provides greater functionality, an enhanced member search capability and updated content on all aspects of BSIA activity, at the same time offering further opportunities to promote the services of BSIA member companies. Members will also benefit from an area of the site devoted exclusively to them.”

Key areas for the BSIA online

The reconfigured web site incorporates the BSIA’s new corporate identity and is split into five key areas, as follows:

  • ‘About the BSIA’ – this section provides information detailing the Association’s role as the UK security industry’s dedicated professional Trade Association;
  • ‘Company Finder’ – a facility that allows end users to locate BSIA member companies;
  • ‘Our Industry’ – an area providing comprehensive information on the private security industry which offers the opportunity to register for regular updates;
  • ‘Join BSIA’ – this section outlines information on membership of the Association and how the first steps towards joining as a member company may be taken;
  • ‘Members’ Area’ – exclusive information prepared for BSIA members including details of Committee work, recruitment opportunities, tips for exporters and the latest information on BSIA events and awards.
Visitors’ prize draw

To celebrate the new BSIA web site’s official launch, the Association is giving away some fantastic prizes!

Visitors who register their details on the site prior to Thursday 1 March will be entered into a prize draw... The first prize being a 2 Gb silver iPod Nano! The runners-up will receive a gift set comprising a bottle of champagne complete with luxury Belgian chocolates. Third prize is a bottle of champagne.

The Association is operating an identical prize draw for members who visit the Members’ Area of the site before 1 March.

The prize draw will be conducted next month by David Dickinson at the BSIA’s Kirkham House headquarters in Worcester.

Log on today at for your chance to win!