All articles by Brian Green – Page 5
ONS correction to new orders data adds more black eyeliner to a Gothic horror show
A statistical error shows that in fact contractors are winning work at the slowest rate since the 1980s
Bank of England agents give construction a gloomy assessment
In the sober judgement of banks, construction is getting worse faster
Rather than provide growth, private sector new construction has gone into reverse
Private new work in commercial, housing and industrial combined has declined steadily since the start of the year
Is the UK rapidly building up a future construction skills gap? Probably
Figures indicating how much the pool of labour has shrunk are disturbing
The housing market is in a coma and the drugs don’t work – a bit more verve perhaps?
More potent and perhaps more directly applied medicine might be needed to get Britain building homes
Time is running out for construction as private sector new orders run thin
Without new orders coming in fast the prospects look bleak
Where will growth come from?
Private sector is also in decline after having shown signs of recovery last two years
Desperate times for house building as starts take a dive
Disappointing forecasts for growth in housing construction are likely to be revised down
The changing shape of the UK construction workforce
Latest data suggests a shift towards more self employment
Whatever the spin, the housing market news looks to be getting worse
The numbers in the latest RICS housing market survey are negative however you look at them
Output data suggest it’s past time for the Government to act decisively to boost construction
The problem is not so much what lies behind construction as what lies ahead
Shocking yes, but we should have expected a sharp fall in construction output
Construction output is volatile and the figures are plausible - but uncomfortable reading
Construction industry forecasters are of one mind: It’s worse than we thought
It also illustrates just why construction leaders have stepped up their campaign to get government to boost building
Architects get twitchy over prospects in private housing as industry optimism wanes
The RIBA future trends survey index took a hit in June falling from 13 to 2
Government should be fixing its policy credibility rather than boasting about its fiscal credibility
The Government is beginning to more clearly recognise the urgency of getting construction back into growth
Forecasters see longer deeper double dip for construction
Expectations for recovery have been revised downwards
Case to boost construction grows as ONS figures reveal an industry accelerating into recession
Worrying new orders figures perhaps look better from a political perspective
Housing market hits a boggy patch
Measures recorded by the RICS and Hometrack surveys point to tough conditions for those looking to sell homes
Skyscrapers and economic crises revisited. A soothsayer’s perspective on the Shard
You couldn’t imagine a worse combination of concepts and words were you seeking an ill omen
Renovation and green agenda support weak construction activity across Europe
The Euroconstruct conference held earlier this month in London provided lashings of gloom, but it also provided plenty of food for thought