Tenants will be able to compare their energy consumption with similar organisations following the launch of a new initiative by the British Property Federation.

The Tenant’s Energy Review will enable the occupants of commercial offices to measure their energy consumption and to benchmark it against others.

The TER project is being developed with technical assistance from the Usable Buildings Trust and support from CIBSE and the British Council for Offices. The project is expected to encourage tenants to improve their energy use. The Carbon Trust has awarded the scheme £140 000.

The project will build on the existing Landlords Energy Statements initiative run by the BPF. The LES enables landlords to report on energy used by the services they control such as heating, lighting and lifts.

The two projects will enable a more detailed picture to be drawn up of a building’s total energy use. Liz Peace, chief executive of the BPF said: “In collaborating with the BCO and CIBSE, we are ensuring that we have all the key players on board to further enhance what is already a valuable tool against climate change.”