Has anyone else dared to look into the detail of Site Waste Management Plans?

On the face of it, they sound quite simple: work out how much waste you’re going to produce, see if you can reduce it, and record where it goes. But when you get down to it, what it means is a heap more paperwork for someone on site.

To get an idea of what I mean, why not visit the WRAP website and take a gander at its Site Waste Management Plan template, an Excel spreadsheet which promises to guide you through all the necessary steps to keep you within the law. There are 14 different spreadsheets to fill in. It’s enough to make you cry.

The other interesting thing is that although WRAP says that the biggest reductions in waste can be made at the design stage, this isn’t included in the legislation. The plan must only be in place before work begins in site. So yet again the contractor is left to pick up the pieces – or rather the rubbish – created by those who have never had dealings with a skip in their lives.

There is one piece of good news though: Site Waste Management Plans only apply to projects worth more than £300,000. The rest of us can carry on as before – including all those dodgy individuals who are responsible for fly-tipping.