The weather forecast for Sunday is 28 degrees and sunny.

I am praying for rain. No, we haven’t invited the in-laws over for a barbecue. I’m not even hoping for an ‘inclement weather’-type excuse for why the job is behind (which it isn’t, of course). The thing I am hoping to avoid is Sunshine Beers.

I’m betting many of you have suffered from this seasonal phenomenon. For those who haven’t, let me explain. A sunny Sunday means all the lads gather in the beer garden for a few pints. And a few more pints. Monday morning, 50% of the labour force is mysteriously missing. Cause: Sunshine Beers.

If anyone has a cure for this summer malaise, I would love to hear about it. In my experience, no amount of shouting down the phone at the contracts managers has any effect (although it can ease a bit of tension).

But help is at hand! Head Office have announced they are to start an ‘alcohol awareness’ campaign. They’ll be sending posters soon explaining how many Stellas you need to drink to meet your weekly health quotas.

The timing of this is slightly off as I have just procured a shed-load of beers on special offer from Asda for the site barbecue next Friday. Perhaps it would be better to wait until after the festivities to put up the liver damage warnings. Or would it be more responsible to put them up before?

I’ll have a think about that one. Maybe I’ll ask Nick for his opinion. We’re just popping down the Black Horse for a pint. Just the one though…

Lies, damn lies...

The total carbon emissions from vans used by the UK construction industry are enough to blast a hole in the ozone layer the size of Wales.