My heart sank when I opened my inbox last week. Another rousing e-mail from the chief executive. I’m not sure what offends me most about these messages: the matey tone or the contents.

Here’s an extract: ‘Our planet is in danger NOW. It is up to each and every one of us to DO SOMETHING. Think of your kids...’ etc etc. The upshot of all this is that I now have to appoint a ‘carbon champion’ to go to meetings at head office and reduce our ‘carbon footprint’ on site.

The problem is, who to choose. I can’t do it myself – it’s not that I’m against the idea of sustainability, it’s just that I’d feel a bit of a hypocrite calling myself a carbon champion while we’ve still got the Range Rover. My daughter’s already giving us grief about that, after doing a global warming project at school.

I mentioned the idea in passing to Nick, my chief QS, but judging by the sneer and the sign language I got in return, he’s not the man for the job. Nick suggested Graham the graduate, but that could just be a ruse to distract the lad from asking awkward questions all the time.

The problem with Graham could be too much enthusiasm. He came in waving a newspaper article about David Cameron and his wind turbine the other day. ‘We could put one of these up on the site offices.’ I ask you! I was thinking more along the lines of sending him out for the bacon sarnies on a bike rather than in the van.

Anyway, I’m just off to email an internet link all about the G-Wiz electric car to the chief exec. I’m sure he’ll be keen to swap his BMW for one.

Lies, damn lies...

Did you know that if you laid all the members of the CIOB on the ground, head to toe, they would stretch 473 times around Englemere, the institute's Ascot HQ?