This month I discovered something called You Tube. I also discovered that my teenage kids look at it nearly every night. And there was me thinking they were researching their homework…

You Tube is this site on the internet where anyone can post videos, mostly funny stuff.

The reason why I logged on was to watch the clips of builders setting fire to each other and generally behaving badly. I’ve got to admit, they’re really funny to watch. But not so funny for NG Bailey, whose logo was plastered all over their vests. Although on a positive note, at least they were wearing their safety equipment.

The thing is, while everyone is saying ‘Oh, how shocking, how dangerous’, I bet they’re also remembering the pranks they got up to as youngsters on site. And if that trainee who we hoisted up with the crawler crane while he was in the Portaloo is reading this, I’m really sorry… now.

It used to be called ‘having the craic’, and although any fire-starters would definitely get the bullet on my site, having a laugh is one of the things which makes this job fun.

People are saying that the internet is encouraging these silly stunts, the Big Brother effect if you like. I don’t think so. Stupid people have always done stupid things on site. The only difference is that now they can video themselves.

Anyway, have you seen the Japanese pen twirling video on You Tube? It’s brilliant!

Lies, damn lies...

6,000 tonnes of carbon is generated per year by people talking about the amount of carbon generated by the construction industry