Contrary to your article, Sustrans’ Connect 2, which won The People’s £50 Million Lottery Giveaway, involves a great deal of construction.

The aim of the bid was to revitalise walking and cycling in 79 communities across the UK by creating new routes for journeys local people make every day. 

The project involves the construction of many new crossings and bridges over busy roads, railway lines and rivers, making it possible for people to travel to the shops, school, work, the park or to see family and friends under their own steam.

I work for the Mouchel Group and we are designing the Royston rail underpass, a £3.2m project for Hertfordshire County Council, which will get £700,000 from the lottery because Sustrans won the vote. It is most certainly a construction project.

The People’s Lottery Giveaway was won by Connect2, not the Eden Project, because these 79 small projects will make a real difference to thousands of people across the country. Over 250,000 local people registered their support because they wanted to be able to travel in a more sustainable way.

Given that climate change is the greatest environmental challenge facing our planet today, the Connect2 bid should be applauded for its vision.

Judy Howlett