Bill Gransbury has bagged September’s first Manager of the Month prize. If you haven’t already registered for this free competition, there are still seven monthly prizes and the overall prize left to play for

The Pilkington Fantasy Football League can announce the winner of its first Manager of the Month award for the 2006/07 season. It’s tough at the top, with teams jostling for places and the table changing daily, but Bill Gransbury, manager of ‘Bill's Team’, was victorious in September and picks up the inaugural trophy.

Bill, 39, a production worker from Solex Ltd, played the game last year. He reckons he has picked up a number of tips from previous winners and used basic trial and error with his team. Bill is a Newcastle fan but he doesn't let his allegiance rule his head. He started off with a few Magpie players in his side but soon transferred them out after Newcastle’s ‘interesting’ start to the season.

He said: ‘I really enjoyed playing the game last year, but I certainly didn't do anywhere as good as this. I think my success has been down to keeping an eye on the fixtures and transferring out injured players or those who aren't doing well.

‘I've had a bit of luck as well. Some of the players I've had since the start have done really well, for example Tim Cahill, so I didn't have to waste any transfers on him, and I hope the luck continues. I don't think I'll be picking anymore Newcastle players as we've been rubbish this season.’ Bill now has £300 of Marriott Vouchers to spend on a weekend away in the UK.


Bill is not the only one that has got off to a flying start – teams that have been doing well so far in the league include We're Not From London Uno, Pyro Athletic, Abbie Athletic and Anstey Allstars. Will they be in the running for Manager of the Month award next time?

You can still join in, it's free, just log onto fantasyfootball to register your team.

The manager with the most amount of points throughout the season will win a trip for two to any sporting event of their choice*, where Pilkington will treat you to a corporate hospitality package.