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Table 1: Hierarchy of CO2 emission factors (CEF) for fuels commonly used in building services
Fuel 1CEF (1) (kgCO2 kWh-1)Fuel 2 : GridElecFuel 2 : OilFuel 2 :LPGFuel 2 :NatGasFuel 2 :BioFuelkWh kgCO2-1 Fuel cost saving: £ per tonne of CO2 saved per p kWh-1 of fuel cost
 CEF (Fuel1)/ CEF(Fuel 2) (2)CEF (Fuel1)/CEF(Fuel 2)CEF (Fuel1)/CEF(Fuel 2)CEF (Fuel1)/CEF(Fuel 2)CEF (Fuel1)/ CEF(Fuel 2)  
BioFuel (‘gas’ or ‘mass’)0.0250.0590.0940.1070.129140400
  (GridElec - GridDisp) / CEF (Fuel 2)(GridDisp - /CEF (Fuel 2)(GridDisp - /CEF (Fuel 2)(GridDisp - /CEF (Fuel 2) (GridDisp -/CEF (Fuel 2) kWh kgCO2-1Ditto as above (4)
Grid-displaced electricity 0.568 (3)-0.346-0.551-0.624-0.753-5.841.76117.61
%3Cstrong%3ETechnology%3C/strong%3E %3Cstrong%3ETypical applications%3C/strong%3E
Absorption-cycle refrigeration plantComfort cooling
Biomass fuelSpace heating or domestic hot water (DHW)
Combined heat and power (CHP)On-site generation of electricity with simultaneous space heating, DHW or
 absorption-cycle comfort cooling
Ground-source heat pumps (GSHP)Space heating or comfort cooling
Ground water cooling (GWC)Comfort cooling
Solar energy systems (SES)Heating or pre-heating of DHW
Photovoltaics (PVs)On-site generation of electricity from sunlight as a renewable energy source
Waste heatSpace heating, DHW or absorption-cycle comfort cooling
Wind generators (WGs)On-site generation of electricity from the wind as a renewable energy source