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Euro League
Share of renewable electricity (%, 2010 predicted) *132916143060
Percent farm land supporting organic farming (%, 2002)5643313
Exposure to air pollution by particulate matter (micrograms per m³) 200523.623.424.23231.719.5
Share of CHP in gross electricity production (%, 2004)750102999
Adjusted Energy Intensity (units of energy per unit of GDP, 2004)
Final energy consumption (tons of oil equivalent, per capita, 2005)
Greenhouse gas emissions (per capita, tonnes of CO² equivalent, 2005)8711.87994115104
CO² emissions per dwelling for households (tonnes, 2004)3.21.5 ** ***
Energy efficiency improvement for final consumers (%, 1990-2004)12121511.5411
Passenger cars per 1,000 inhabitants (2004)463354 546429454456
Increase in electricity consumption (%/year, 2000-2006) 0.4
FINAL SCORE 2236404231
* Worth commenting that the more energy demand is reduced, the easier any renewables targets can be achieved.
** Lots of renewables for electricity, and district CHP for heating. Lower than Spain despite being colder.
*** Lots of renewables for electricity, and biomass for heating.
**** Cyclists
***** Lower base