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Table 1: A summary of the median energy usage for the combined energy consumption from schools
 Combined energy use (median) kWh/m²
UK good practice (2001)135
UK typical practice (2001)191
Median (2003)199
New-build schools207
Refurbished schools209
UK poor practice (2001)256
Unaltered schools284
Table 2: Electricity use for refurbished and new-build schools
 Combined energy use (median) kWh/m2
UK good practice (2001)25
UK typical practice (2001)34
Unaltered schools38
UK poor practice (2001)47
Refurbished schools51
New-build schools68
Table 3: Gas use for refurbished and new-build schools
 Combined energy use (median) kWh/m2
UK good practice (2001)110
New-build schools143
Refurbished schools156
UK typical practice (2001)157
UK poor practice (2001)209
Unaltered schools238