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Table 1: Fire survival time of for cables
Building service applicationPerformance objectiveFire survival time
Fire fighting smoke controlFire fighting 2 hours
Smoke control phased evacuationLife safety1 hour
Smoke control single stage evacuationLife safety½ hour
Smoke control dampers Fire fighting2 hours
 Life safety1 hour
Table 2: Performance recommendation for fire-rated cable circuits
Building service applicationPerformance objectiveSuggested cable Fire survival time
CCTV single stage evacuation Life safety½ hour
CCTV phased evacuationLife safety1 hour
Central battery emergency lightingFire fighting2 hours
Central battery escape lightingLife safety1 hour
Disabled evacuation communicationsLife safety½ hour
Way finding phased evacuationLife safety1 hour
Way finding single stage evacuationLife safety½ hour
Distribution mains for emergency Life safety½ hour
systems & escape lightingFire fighting2 hours
Fire alarm activation devices phased evacuationLife safety1 hour
Fire alarm activation single phase evacuationLife safety½ hour
Fire alarm activation devices staged evacuationLife safety1 hour
Gaseous fire suppression systems single stage evacuationLife safety½ hour
Gaseous fire suppression systems phased evacuationLife safety1 hour
Phased fire alarmLife safety2 hours
Single phase fire alarmLife safety½ hour
Staged fire alarmLife safety1 hour
Systems monitoring and control for services in fire control centresFire fighting2 hours
Fire-fighting lifts and associated electrical circuits including lighting, communicationsFire fighting2 hours
Evacuation liftsLife safety½ hour
Sprinkler pumpsFire fighting2 hours
Wet risersFire fighting2 hours