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Table 1: Percentage split of CO2 emissions of an average UK lifestyle
Energy consumed in home (heating, hot water, electricity) 10%
Personal transport 18%
Embodied energy in the home 3%
Waste and consumer items 13%
Food 23%
Shared services and infrastructure 33%
Total 100%
Table 2: Eco-development options to reduce carbon emissions
“Eco-development” options Tonnes of CO2 saved per resident per year
10% improvement on energy efficiency over Building Regs 2006 levels, eg through low-flow showers and taps, improved air tightness (5 m³/m²/h at 50 Pa), improved insulation of hot water storage A-rated appliances, 100% low-energy lighting, hot water heat recovery. 0.1
10% of the energy sourced from renewable energy sources 0.1
Achieving an overall household waste recycling rate of 60%, eg through a combination of bin provision and influencing behaviour change 0.2
15% CO2 reduction from food, eg through local and/or organic vegetable box schemes provision and/or access to farmers markets 0.5
Choosing building materials with low embodied carbon and high durability 0.2
30% reduction in commuting transport emissions, eg by building homes close to jobs, increased cycling, car-share schemes and access to public transport 0.3