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How the teams fared
Team Southwark (Southwark Council)53
Dave (QSNews/Building)52
The Professionals (Davis Langdon)47
The Cardinals (Gleeds)47
Triumph Geralds (Gerald Eve)44
The Invincibles (Summers Inman)44
Little Britain team (the sailing event)43
Wooden Spoons (Walker Management)41
Gin & Tonic(Gardiner & Theobald)41
MA Stars (Martin Associates)38
Peanuts (Mace)38
Bungle’s Fingers (Mace)36
Not Quite a Baker’s Dozen (Jones Lang Lasalle)35
The Champions (Mott Green Wall)34
Three Men and a not-so-little lady (RLF London)28
Three Chicks and a Don (Mace)26
ABA (Mace)25