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Sources of information prior to purchasing
Information sources consumers used to choose alarm % respondents
Recommendation (relative, friend, neighbour etc) 25%
Specialist retailer/installer 22%
Police/Crime Prevention Officer 11%
Yellow Pages (no other directories referred to) 10%
Press advertising 9%
Insurance company 4%
Direct mail 1%
Variety of individual, miscellaneous responses 11%
Don’t know/not stated 7%
Householders currently without an alarm
Reasons given by those who have considered an alarm % respondents
To improve the security of the property 29%
Following actual or attempted break-in 13%
Following burglaries in the neighbourhood 11%
Personal security/safety 10%
Concern over burglaries/crime 9%
For peace of mind/reduce anxiety about crime 6%
Know that alarm is an effective deterrent 5%
Following break-in relative/friend 2%
Advice from friends/colleagues 1%
Advice from police 1%
Other answers 6%
Don’t know/not stated 7%
Reasons given for not installing an alarm yet % respondents
Too expensive/can’t afford one 36%
Have not got round to it yet/may in future 22%
Have a dog 8%
Current security arrangements sufficient 4%
No need around here/this is safe area 3%
Not worth disruption 1%
Member of Neighbourhood Watch 1%
Other answer 6%
Don’t know/no particular reason/not stated 19%
The purchase decision (all respondents): 1 = not important, 5 = extremely important.  
Overall quality and reliability of the system 4.5
Length of warranty 4
Quality approved by an independent body 3.9
Cost of on-going maintenance 3.9
Initial cost of alarm system and installation 3.9
The person or firm who installed it 3.8
The cost of monitoring 3.6
Type of alarm / specific features 3.5
A well known installer in my area 3.4
A well known brand or make 3.4
Method of payment 3.3
The company or store where it is purchased 3
Appearance / attractive design 2.6
Installers’ views on the supply chain
Action desired by installers from manufacturers No. of mentions: 205
Helping to reduce false alarms 34
Maximising reliability of equipment 31
Offering more marketing assistance 24
Making equipment easier for the homeowner to operate 23
Lower prices 22
Being generally more innovative 18
Producing more wire-free equipment 16
Maximising cost-effectiveness of equipment & installation 15
Making easier to install 14
Offering regular product training 8
Changes desired by installers from distributors No. of mentions: 82
Lower prices 26
Recognition that payment methods may need to change 18
Improved quality of advice 13
Greater help in minimising stock/wastage 8
Improved speed of response 7
Improved quality of response 5
Hold more stock training sessions 5
(Although not specifically asked this question, five installers said that distributors should stop selling to non-qualified installers and members of the public.)