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Table 1: system selection criteria
Element Chilled ceiling/ perimeter beam Passive
chilled beam
chilled beam
Cooling capacity (W/m² floor area) 80 (with perimeter beam), 40-50 (without perimeter beam) 80-120 80-150. Potential problem with draughts if exceeded.
Ease of maintenance Minimal – no moving parts Minimal – limited for cleaning the coil of dust. Minimal – limited for cleaning the coil of dust.
Layout flexibility Good – large cooled surface area. Chilled elements are designed to fit into conventional ceiling tiles. Limited – beams must be positioned at particular spacings. Needs careful planning around grid lines. Limited – beams must be positioned at particular spacings. Needs careful planning around grid lines.
Acoustics Good – no moving parts. Possible noise from water flow in pipework attached to ceiling panels. Good – although may need to generate white noise to compensate for quiet operation. Good – although may need to generate white noise to compensate for quiet operation.
Aesthetics Good – ceiling tiles with chilled elements are indistinguishable from normal tiles. Featured, exposed beams are more aesthetically pleasing. If beam is in ceiling, grille may be different to ceiling tile. Featured, exposed beams are more aesthetically pleasing. If beam is in ceiling, grille may be different to ceiling tile.
Comfort Good – uniform coverage due to large numbers of active tiles. Air discharged downward, so less predictable air movement. May reduce output if above heat source. Good – predictable air movement patterns due to forced convection.
Table 2: Chilled ceilings and Beams – Cost Comparison
Fan coil unit £/m2 (gifa) Chilled ceiling with perimeter chilled beam £/m2 (gifa) Passive chilled beam £/m2 (gifa) Active chilled beam £/m2 (gifa)
Shell and core: all figures in terms of gross internal floor area (gifa)        
Disposal installation – condensate drainage 1.20      
Heat source – gas-fired boilers, gas supply, twin walled stainless steel flues 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50
LTHW installation        
Pipework distribution in plantrooms and risers, pumps, pressurisation unit, water treatment, insulation 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00
CHW Installation        
Roof mounted, air-cooled packaged chiller plant, pipework distribution in plantrooms and risers, pumps, pressurisation unit, water treatment, insulation 25.00 23.00 23.00 23.00
Air handling plant        
Supply/extract air handling plant, ductwork to plantrooms/risers, insulation 19.00 23.10 23.10 23.10
Electrical installation – allowance for electrical supplies to mechanical plant 3.90 3.90 3.90 3.90
Controls installation        
Head end supervisor, motor control centres, outstations, sensors, controls and all power and controls wiring 13.70 13.90 13.90 13.90
Total shell and core cost 76.30 77.40 77.40 77.40
Category A fit out all figures expressed in terms of net internal area (nia), based on a net:gross efficiency of 75% £/m2 (nia) £/m2 (nia) £/m2 (nia) £/m2 (nia)
Floor finishes – extra over for:        
350mm raised floor void, including cavity barriers, for displacement ventilation   4.00 4.00  
Seals to form airtight plenum   5.00 5.00  
Forming holes in raised floor tiles and fixing free issue supply air diffusers   0.60 0.60  
Dust sealing to underfloor plenum   1.00 1.00  
Ceiling finishes – extra over for:        
Cost of perforated metal mega panel suspended ceiling suitable for chilled ceiling installation   22.00    
Disposal installation – condensate drainage 5.60      
1) LTHW Installation        
LTHW Distribution, pipework, insulation, connections to fan coil units 17.50      
Perimeter heating, pipework, insulation, trench heating installation   26.60 26.60 26.60
2) CHW installation        
Chilled water distribution to office areas at high level, pipework, insulation, connections to chilled elements   32.00 29.00 29.00
Chilled water distribution pipework, insulation, connections to fan coil units 26.50      
Chilled ceiling elements, 70% active tiles, copper elements, flexible connections, shut off couplings.   69.00    
Passive chilled beams, flexible connections, shut off couplings     45.00  
Active chilled beams, flexible connections, shut off couplings       50.00
Ceiling mounted four pipe fan coil units 32.10      
3 ) Air handling        
Supply and extract ductwork, insulation grilles and diffusers 47.20      
Supply and extract ductwork, insulation, extract grilles       35.00
Extract only ductwork and grilles   27.20 27.20  
Supply only floor grilles   12.50 12.50  
4) BEMS installation        
Sensors, control valves, power, control and network wiring 12.00 15.00 15.00 15.00
Total Category A fit out cost 140.90 214.90 165.90 155.60
The following exclusions apply to the costs shown in the table: inflation beyond second quarter 2001; general builder's work; main Contractor's preliminaries, attendances, overheads and profit; professional fees and prescribed fees; contingency and design reserves; tax allowances, vat.