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Fig 1: Using the correct cable
Application Role and cable type
Intruder Detection and signalling
Generally 7/0.2mm tinned copper standard PVC insulated signal/alarm cabling.
Screened version available.
4 core to 30 core.
Telephone CW spec types required for connection of signalling equipment outputs to telecommunications network.
Access control Unshielded twisted pair (UTP) for communication wiring and high rate data transmission. Shielded twisted pair (STP) advocated when used with computer networks.
Parallel wire in ancillary applications.
Audiovisual cables in many combined audio/video systems.
CCTV Video signals
Co-axial cable for unbalanced signal transmission
Unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cable for balanced signal transmission
Shielded twisted pair (STP) to protect against induced noise.
Fibre optic cable for transmission by light signals.
Fire detection Signalling/power/supplies/control equipment – BS 6207 Pt 1 MICC. BS6387 (AWX.SWX.A.S).
Pirelli FP200 or AEI Firetec fire performance.
Detection – As signalling/power supplies/control equipment but BS 6004 PVC insulated acceptable in many applications when shielded from a significant fire risk. To be colour coded red for identification purpose.
Emergency lighting Self contained systems –as normal premises lighting.
Generally electrical installation cable to BS 6004.
Central battery systems – protected wiring for integrity between cubicle and luminaries – essential as fire protection signalling/power supplies/control equipment cable.
Security lighting, power for intruder/access control/CCTV Generally BS 6004 PVC insulated or BS 6500 flexible mains. To be mechanically protected in high security risk applications.
Data transmission Networking – local area network (LAN) cables. Ethernet.Cat 5
Fig 2: Spacing of cable supports for PVC insulated cables in accessible positions
Overall cable diameter (mm) Spacings
Horizontal (mm)
Vertical (mm)
<9 250 400
>9 but <15 300 400
>15 but <20 350 450
>20 but <40 400 550