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New build sales, starts and completions
July 2000 July 2001 % change
New-build average daily sales 555 572 +3
New-build registrations 13 602 15 603 +15
New-build completions 12 040 13 759 +14
New-build registrations      
(excl housing associations) 12 340 14 124 +14
Source: NHBC
Buyer profile July 2000
% of first-time buyers that bought new homes 7
% of former owner-occupiers that bought new homes 12
Standardised new-build price* (£) 96 941
Average new-build price (£) 140 174
Average new-build advance (£) 93 638
Average new-build advance as % of price 71.5
New-build advance to income ratio 3.16
New-build price to income ratio 4.84
* based on 1983 prices (when the average house cost £33 447)
Source: Halifax
Top 10 Brands by Value 2000 (1999)
1 Coca-Cola (1)
2 Walkers (2)
3 Nescafe (-)
4 Stella Artois (6)
5 Persil (3)
6 Muller (7)
7 Andrex Toilet Tissue (5)
8 Papers (9)
9 Pepsi (8)
10 Ariel (10)
Source: Marketing magazine