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Facts panel
Equipment IR 120C
Product group Passive infrared
Application Intrusion detection
Manufacturer Alarmcom
Address Ibis House, Riverside Estate, London
Colney, Herts. AL2 1HJ
Telephone 01727 738500
Fax 01727 827260
Available from Alarmcom, as above
Trade price (ex VAT) £14.95
CE Mark awarded Yes
Lens type Black mirror with triplex optics
Interchangeable lenses Standard wide angle with look down zone or continuous curtain
Range on Wide angle 12m or
centre axis curtain 20m
No of detection zones 52
Coverage adjustment Optional wall and ceiling adjustable mounting brackets
Dual/quad element sensor Dual
Temperature compensation Yes
Alarm period 2 – 3 sec
Other signal processing options Four application settings, 15 Kg pet immunity, or 40Kg with pet clip fitted
Walk test facility Yes
Housing material ABS Cycolac S701S to UL 94HB
Self-testing functions Yes
Power supply voltage 8 – 16v DC
Max current consumption 6mA
IP rating IP41
Size (mm) 115H x 50W x 41D
Warranty 5 years
Product assessment
Design and design features ****
Circuitry and components ****
Ease of installation and wiring ****
Range & variety of functions ***
Accompanying instructions ***
Technical advice and backup ***
Value for money ****
Key: Outstanding ***** Very good ****
Above average *** Average ** Below average *
Stability assessment
Tolerance to cold air turbulence *****
Tolerance to hot air turbulence *****
Tolerance to quartz halogen lamp *****
Tolerance to fluorescent tube *****
Tolerance to insect test *****
Key: Detector operated correctly throughout test *****