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Table 1: Branch factors for different relative branch diameters*
db/dc 0·1 0·2 0·3 0·4 0·5 0·6 0·7 0·8 0·9 1·0
0·3 -0·50 2·97 9·9 19·7 32·4 48·8 66·5 86·9 110 136
0·44 -0·53 0·53 2·14 4·23 7·3 11·4 15·6 20·3 25·8 31·8
0·52 -0·69 0 1·11 2·18 3·76 5·90 8·38 11·3 14·6 18·4
*Extracts from Table 4·47 for tees of pipework, converging flow: the branch factor for different relative branch diameters (db/dc) and different relative branch flows (qb/qc).
Table 2: Branch factors for different relative branch areas*
Ab/Ac 0·1 0·2 0·3 0·4 0·5 0·6 0·7 0·8 0·9 1
0·1 0·40 3·8 9·2 16 26 37 43 65 82 101
0·2 -0·37 0·72 2·3 4·3 6·8 9·7 13 17 21 26
0·3 -0·41 0·17 1·0 2·1 3·2 4·7 6·3 7·9 9·7 12
0·4 -0·46 -0·10 0·25 0·66 1·1 1·6 2·1 2·7 3·4 4
*Extracts from Table 4·132 for tees of ductwork, converging flow: The branch factor for different relative branch areas (Ab/Ac) and different relative branch flows (qb/qc).