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Public Health Services Installations
  Unit rate (£/m2 gifa)
Above ground internal soil and vent pipework, fittings, accessories and rainwater downpipes 9 000 m2 @ £8/m2 8.00
Water storage tanks, calorifiers, pipework, fittings, accessories Insulation and distribution 9000 m2 @ £21/m2 21.00
Public health services installations total 29.00
Mechanical Services Installations
  Unit rate (£/m2 gifa)
Gas installation
Boosted gas supplies; generally. Item @ £46 700
Heat source
Boiler plant; installations in 4 nr boiler rooms; total capacity 1565 kW; calorifiers, heat exchangers, pumps and pressurisation sets; distribution in plant rooms 9000 m2 @ £24/m2
Space heating
LPHW heating system including radiators,valves, mild steel pipework, fittings, accessories and insulation. 8115 m2 @ £24/m2
LPHW heating system to sports hall. Radiators to changing areas and radiant panels to sports hall; valves, mild steelpipework, fittings, accessories and insulation. 960 m2 @ £28/m2 2.99
3 nr dx cooling systems; total capacity 18·5 kW; to computer rooms and comms rooms. Item @ £20 000
Supply and extract ventilation, serving performing arts, dining hall, gymnasium and sports hall; 5 nr air handling units, with a total duty of 12 m3/s; plate heat exchangers, dampers, attenuators ductwork, grilles, fittings and accessories 2360 m2 @ £100/m2
Allowance for local extract to 4 nr cdt rooms. Item @ £10 000 1.11
Allowance for local supply and extract to meeting rooms; heater battery. Item @ £5000 0.56
Toilet 4 nr toilet extract systems. Item @ £15 000 1.67
Kitchen supply and extract installation; kitchen hoods excluded. Item @ £10 000 1.11
Central ddi control system excluding head end. System includes mccs, local starters/isolators and associated power, control and communication wiring and wire ways 9000 m2 @ £12/m2
Testing, commissioning and manuals. Item @ £16 000
Preliminaries. Item @ £109 000 12.11
Mechanical installations total £112.60
Electrical installation
  Unit rate (£/m2 gifa)
Mains and sub-mains installation
LV switchboards; 1 nr main lv board, 3 nr sub-mains boards. Item @ £58 500
LV distribution; xlpe/swa/lsf cabling generally; containment; power supplies to mechanical plant. 9 000 m2 @ £5/m2 5.00
Distribution boards; complete with mcb/rcd protective devices as required. 20% spare mcb capacity 9000 m2 @ £3/m2 3.00
Lighting installation
Lighting to classrooms, staff rooms and circulation spaces generally; recessed fluorescent fittings complying with LG3 Category 2. Daylight sensors; digital ballasts to daylight linked luminaires 7725 m2 @ £32/m2
Lighting to sports hall; metal halide luminaires with Halogen warm up lamps 960 m2 @ £35/m2 3.73
Allowance for display lighting. Item @ £2500 0.28
Emergency lighting; conversion packs 9000 m2 @ £5/m2 5.00
Small power installation
Small power generally; three compartment aluminium skirting/bench mounted trunking; dedicated supplies to cdt equipment 7155 m2 @ £17/m2
Small power installation to kitchen 235 m2 @ £80/m2 2.09
Allowance for emergency power off installation. Item @ £4100 0.46
Communications installations
Telephone, data and security containment; unwired conduit and tray; data outlets; installations in equipment rooms. Item @ £10 600
Fire alarm installation; L2 coverage; detectors, call pointers, sounders, beacons, control panels 9000 m2 @ £11.50/m2 11.50
Allowance for disabled toilet alarm system. Item @ £6000 0.67
Protective installations
Earthing and bonding. Item @ £4500
Lightning protection. Item @ £7200 0.80
Testing, commissioning and manuals. Item @ £7100
Preliminaries. Item @ £59 300 6.59
Electrical Installations Total £89.08
Lift Installation
Unit rate (£/m2 gifa)
2 nr 8 person, 630Kg machine room free lifts; 1 nr serving 3 floors, (£28 100); 1 nr serving 2 floors, (£25 800) 5.99
Lift installation total £5.99
Total services installation costs £236.67