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table 1: Summary of European test methods for fire performance of construction products
Standard test methodTitle
EN ISO 1182 Non combustibility test
EN ISO 1716 Determination of the gross calorific value
EN 13823 Building products (excluding floorings) exposed to thermal attack by a single burning item (sbi) test
EN ISO 11925-2 Ignitability when subjected to direct impingement of flame
EN ISO 9239-1Determination of the burning behaviour using a radiant heat source for floor coverings
EN 13238Conditioning procedures and general rules for the selection of substrates
EN 13501-1Fire classification of construction products and building elements: Part 1 Classification using test data from reaction to fire tests
table 2: Classification of linings
Location UK classEuropean class
Small rooms of area not more than, a: 4 m2 in residential accommodation, and b: 30m2 in non-residential accommodation3 D
Domestic garages of area not more than 40 m2 3 D
Other rooms (including garages) 1 C
Circulation spaces within dwellings 1 C
Other circulation spaces, including the common areas of flats and maisonettes 0 B
table 3:Summary of European test methods for external fire exposure of roofs
Standard test method Title
CR 1187Test methods for the external fire exposure to roofs
EN 13501-5Classification using data from external fire exposure to roof tests