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Product assessment
Design and design features♦♦♦♦
Circuitry and components♦♦♦♦
Ease of installation and wiring♦♦♦♦
Range & variety of functions♦♦♦♦
Accompanying instructions♦♦♦
Technical advice and backup♦♦♦♦
Value for money♦♦♦♦
Key: Outstanding ♦♦♦♦♦ Very good ♦♦♦♦ Above average ♦♦♦ Average ♦♦ Below average ♦
Facts panel
EquipmentVCE2 & VLA2
Product groupCable equalisation & launch amplifiers 
ManufacturerTECSEC Europe
Address7 Pavilion Industrial Pontypool, Torfaen, NP4 6NF
Telephone01495 752882
Fax01495 751840
Trade price (ex VAT)LA2
BandwidthLimited internally to 8MHz with low pass filter giving -40dB at 10MHz, -60dB at 12MHz
Video output amplifierClass AB amplifier with lightning protection
Signal level outputMax 3v (+10dB) Pk to Pk composite video in 75Ohms unbalanced, 6v (+16dB) in 110 to 150 Ohms balanced
Signal level inputMax 2v (+6dB) Pk to Pk composite video in 75 Ohms unbalanced or 110 to 150 Ohms balanced
Dimensions (mm)235L 135W 90D
ConstructionGrey plastic case
Signal level outputMax 3v (+10dB) Pk to Pk composite video in 75 Ohms unbalanced, 6v (+16dB) in 110 to 150 Ohm balanced
Signal level inputMax 1.4v (+3dB) Pk to Pk composite video in 75 Ohms unbalanced
GainAdjustable – 1dB to +10dB
EqualisationFully adjustable between 0dB & +12dB at 5MHz
ControlsGain, HF lift and link selectable output impedance
Weight400 grams
Dimensions (mm)150L 80W 50D
Warranty12 months
Facts panel
EquipmentVCE2 & VLA2
Product groupCable equalisation & launch amplifiers 
ManufacturerTECSEC Europe
Address7 Pavilion Industrial Pontypool, Torfaen, NP4 6NF
Telephone01495 752882
Fax01495 751840
Trade price (ex VAT)LA2
BandwidthLimited internally to 8MHz with low pass filter giving -40dB at 10MHz, -60dB at 12MHz
Video output amplifierClass AB amplifier with lightning protection
Signal level outputMax 3v (+10dB) Pk to Pk composite video in 75Ohms unbalanced, 6v (+16dB) in 110 to 150 Ohms balanced
Signal level inputMax 2v (+6dB) Pk to Pk composite video in 75 Ohms unbalanced or 110 to 150 Ohms balanced
Dimensions (mm)235L 135W 90D
ConstructionGrey plastic case
Signal level outputMax 3v (+10dB) Pk to Pk composite video in 75 Ohms unbalanced, 6v (+16dB) in 110 to 150 Ohm balanced
Signal level inputMax 1.4v (+3dB) Pk to Pk composite video in 75 Ohms unbalanced
GainAdjustable – 1dB to +10dB
EqualisationFully adjustable between 0dB & +12dB at 5MHz
ControlsGain, HF lift and link selectable output impedance
Weight400 grams
Dimensions (mm)150L 80W 50D
Warranty12 months