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Unit rate (£/m² gifa)
Item @ £ 75 2005.88
Rainwater installation 
Above ground rainwater system; gutters, downpipes, outlets and connections. Item @ £ 24 8001.94
Above ground drainage 
Above ground internal soil, waste and vent pipework, fittings, accessories. Item @ £ 78 1006.1
Cold water services 
Potable cold water distribution pipework, fittings, accessories, insulation, including final connections to appliances. Item @ £ 25 8002.02
Booster pump set and ancillaries; water storage tanks and ancillaries; distribution pipework, fittings, accessories, insulation, including final connections to appliances. Item @ £ 81 3006.35
Hot water services 
Gas-fired hot water generators, pipework, fittings, accessories, insulation, including final connections to appliances. Item @ £ 61 3004.79
Testing and commissioning. Item @ £ 10 3000.81
Public health services total27.89
Gas installation 
Gas supply from site boundary; distribution to serve boilers and hot water heaters; pipework, fittings and accessories. Item @ £ 23 1001.8
Heat source 
Boiler plant; total capacity 600 kW; pumps, pressurisation unit, distribution in plantroom; lthw heating system including radiators, valves, mild steel pipework, fittings, accessories and insulation. Item @ £ 497 200
Space heating – included in heat source
CHW system serving ahus, chilled beams to individual spaces in West and East cores and displacement system to central core; including 1 nr 500 kW air cooled chiller, chilled beams, pump sets, pressurisation units, valves, mild steel pipework, fittings, accessories and insulation. 6300 m2 @ £43/m221.16
Supply and extract ventilation, serving chilled beams and displacement system; 10 nr air handling units, with a total duty of 20 m3/s; ductwork, dampers, attenuators, grilles, fittings and accessories. 6300 m2 @ £54/m226.58
Toilet extract ventilation, 4 nr extract systems with a total duty of 4 m³/s; dampers, attenuators, ductwork, grilles, fittings and accessories. Item @ £ 49 7003.88
Central ddi control system including head end; system includes mcc’s, local starters/isolators and associated power, control and communication wiring and wireways. Item @ £ 262 40020.5
Protective installations 
Dry riser installation; 2 nr risers. Item @ £19 0001.48
Testing and commissioning. Item @ £ 43 9003.43
Preliminaries. Item @ £ 121 0009.45
Mechanical services total127.12
HV installation 
2 nr packaged sub-stations serving East and West wings including hv ring main unit, 11 kV/400 V transformer and close coupled lv switchboard; 2150 kVA total capacity. Item @ £ 245 10019.15
LV distribution 
LV distribution to distribution boards and rising busbar; XLPE/SWA/LSF cabling generally; containment; power supplies to mechanical plant and lifts. Distribution boards; complete with mcb protective devices; with 25% spare ways. 12 800 m2 @ £18/m218
Small power installation 
Supplies to final circuits; including containment. Item @ £ 204 80016
Lighting installation 
Lighting installation; low energy fluorescent or compact fluorescent luminaries; high frequency control; dimmable control gear used for lighting to lecture theatres and seminar and conference rooms. Item @ £ 455 00035.55
Lighting control system. Item @ £ 128 40010.03
Emergency lighting installation; conversion packs. 12 800 m2 @ £6/m26
External lighting; car park, column mounted luminaries using high pressure sodium lamps; path lighting, bollards, compact fluorescent lamps; feature lighting, buried uplights; entrance lighting. Item @ £ 62 3004.87
Communication installations 
Telephone and data containment; unwired conduit and tray; provision for data outlets. Item @ £ 24 4001.91
IT structured cabling installation; active equipment, wiring, outlets, allowance for 20% additional cabling. 7600 m² @ £ 25/m²14.84
Fire alarm installation; analogue addressable system; indicator panels, breakglass units, detectors, sounders, cabling. Item @ £ 177 90013.9
Disabled toilet alarm system. Item @ £ 13 1001.02
Security installation 
CCTV installation to external facade; power and control wiring; cameras; monitors; digital recording equipment. Item @ £ 54 5004.26
Security and access control installation; swipe card door access to main areas; intruder alarm system. Item @ £ 50 1003.91
Protective installations 
Earthing and bonding. Item @ £ 11 8000.92
Lightning protection. Item @ £ 87000.68
Testing and commissioning. Item @ £ 57 9004.52
Item @ £ 160 00012.5
Electrical services total168.06
13 person machine room free lifts, serving four floors 2 nr @ £65 00010.16
Disabled platform scissor lift, serving one floor, including shaft 1 nr @ £30 0002.34
Lift services total12.5
Exclusions: Main contractors profit, overheads, attendances and preliminaries, builders work in connection with engineering services, telephone installation, loose furniture, fittings and equipment, below ground drainage, statutory authority connection charges, professional fees, vat, inflation beyond fourth quarter 2001.