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How the top-performing councils’ housing departments were rated
AuthorityOverall CPA rating CPA housing scorePrevious rating from Audit Commission housing inspectorate
Bexleyexcellent3Housing and public protection: fair service, uncertain prospects for improvement
Blackburnexcellent4Homelessness and housing advice: good service, promising prospects for improvement
Camdenexcellent3Housing repairs: good service, promising prospects for improvement
City of Londonexcellent2n/a
Gatesheadexcellent3Services to tenants (housing management, repairs and maintenance): fair service, promising prospects for improvement
Hammersmith & Fulhamexcellent4Housing management and caretaking: excellent service with excellent prospects for improvement
Hartlepoolexcellent3Repairs and maintenance: fair service, promising prospects for improvement
Kensingtonexcellent3Housing repairs and maintenance: fair service, promising prospects for improvement
Kingston-upon-Thamesexcellent2Repairs and maintenance: fair service, promising prospects for improvement
Kirkleesexcellent3Housing management services: fair service, excellent prospects for improvement
Sunderlandexcellent3Homelessness and housing advice: fair service, promising prospects for improvement
Wandsworthexcellent3Housing management services: good service, promising prospects for improvement
Westminsterexcellent4Housing assessment and advice: good service, excellent prospects for improvement
Wiganexcellent4“Who Gets a Council House? Promoting Choice”: good service, excellent prospects for improvement
How councils with high-performing housing departments rated
AuthorityPrevious rating from housing inspectorateOverall CPA rating CPA housing score
BoltonRepairs and maintenance service rated “good”good3
BrentHousing management services rated “good”fair3
CroydonHousing responsive repairs service rated “good”good3
Leicester Housing repairs and maintenance service rated “excellent”fair3
North SomersetHousing management service rated “good”fair3
OldhamRepairs, maintenance and asset management of public buildings service rated “good”weak2