Q: It has come to my attention that we have a large amount of hazardous waste on site. I’m aware of our environmental obligations, but somebody has mentioned that there are some requirements under COSHH – is this the case?

Nazar Farooq, safety technical manager at Cromer, responds: Waste may create risks to health, particularly if the waste is classed as hazardous or special waste and in these circumstances the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 would certainly apply. Regulation 6 of COSHH requires an assessment of the risks to health to be carried out for work with substances that could be hazardous. In addition, COSHH requires:

  • measures to be taken in respect of the safe handling and transport of waste substances;
  • means for instituting the safe collection, storage and disposal of contaminated waste;
  • the use of secure and identifiable containers;
  • modifying a process to eliminate the production of a hazardous by-product or waste product.

All businesses handling hazardous/special wastes should have, as part of their overall safety and environmental policies, written procedures concerned with:

  • the location of hazardous waste substances;
  • what to do in case of contact with a hazardous waste substance;
  • procedures for action in case of leaks, spills or uncontrolled release.
  • Have you got a question about environmental, health and safety or employment law? Then email it to construction_manager@cmpi.biz