All Archive Titles articles – Page 337

  • The completed Dakota hotel in Glasgow, the second hotel in the chain to be finished
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    Solaglas wins hotel-chain deal


    Solaglas Contracting Scotland has won the contract for a new chain of hotels. It has completed the futuristic Dakota Hotel at Eurocentral business park in Glasgow, which is the second hotel in the chain to be built.

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    If only there were more days in the week ...


    We’ve all had that feeling: the work’s piling up, deadlines are looming, and your inbox is jammed. Perhaps it’s time to look at a new way of working, as midas did.

  • Ex Plastmo Sales Director, Eric Davis, is now Sales Manager for Synseal
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    Davis joins Synseal


    Eric Davis, ex Sales Director of Plastmo, has moved to Synseal as Sales Manager. He said: ‘Synseal is the biggest player in the market and I am delighted to join them.

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    The Cowboys simply must be stopped!


    Sir – like most quality-driven security professionals, those of us at Sawley Security welcomed the advent of private sector regulation and licensing with open arms.

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    Yes, we have no corruption


    Development in the UK, through the planning system, has encouraged legalised corruption for years, argues Ian Abley

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    How corrupt are you?


    Is bribery corrupt?

  • Production Director, Kevin Small,  and Chairman, Nicholas Cunningham from Ravensby
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    Court controversy and win


    Ravensby has enjoyed an increase in demand since being put in the limelight while working on the hotly debated Scottish Parliament Building

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    ITRAC in control


    Real-time, GPRS-based tracking of security personnel is now possible thanks to the launch of ITRAC courtesy of bconnected

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    Ecodesign standards out for consultation


    DEFRA has recently launched a consultation on draft new regulations that aim to establish a framework for the establishment of ecodesign standards for energy-using products.

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    Construction Jihad


    After the bombs comes the rebuilding. In lebanon there’s a struggle between east and west over who controls the works. Companies have to be canny to work in a war zone.

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    Destroying data with supreme confidence


    Sir – I read with much interest the debate on information and ID theft conducted within your Letters To The Editor section in both the April (‘Information theft must be addressed’, p21) and August (‘Information theft is actually legal’, pp20-21) editions of Security Management Today.

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    Energy Review condemned


    A leading energy expert has condemned the government’s recent energy review for failing to do enough to halt the onslaught of climate change.

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    SIA and Merseyside Police take rogue security companies to task


    On 21 September, as part of Operation Seahog, Security Industry Authority (SIA) investigators working closely alongside Merseyside Police and other law enforcement partners targeted rogue security companies, unlicensed security activity and links to serious and organised crime in a series of dawn raids.

  • Linda Sharpe
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    Raising Skills for Safer Communities


    As part of its ongoing commitment to enhancing communication with the security business sector, Skills for Security is hosting two National Conferences during November – one for stakeholders in England and Wales, and the other aimed specifically at Scottish sector professionals. Security Management Today is the Official Media Partner for ...

  • Pilkington Planar Activ, a leading structural glass system, can now keep itself clean and can be used for expanses of glass
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    Silicone-free seals zone: the elements can cleanse glass cladding without a hitch


    Self-cleaning glass has previously been hindered by silicone sealants leaching across the glass. However, Pilkington thinks it has the answer, a silicone-free seal, which works with the self-cleaning glass not against it

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    SPG and the city


    Ken Livingstone’s latest standards for sustainable buildings in London require engineering input at an early stage in the design process to get planning approval for major projects.

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    Edinburgh a success for CHP Group


    On 6 September the CIBSE CHP Group held the first of a series of site visits around the country demonstrating CHP. The first event in Edinburgh University was a sell-out, with over 120 attendees.

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    Elumatec widens choice


    Elumatec has increased its aluminium production range.

  • Staff from Hoppe (UK)
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    Hoppe hot foot it for charity


    Cancer treatment costs more than £639million a year, so charities play an important role in funding crucial research, as well as treatment. Staff from Hoppe (UK) supported one such charity, Race for Life, by taking part in a five kilometre run.

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    Expansion at Cervoglass


    UK roof manufacturer Cervoglass is restructuring and recruiting to strengthen its corporate position. Steve Webb has been given the crucial role of Sales Manager.