All Archive Titles articles – Page 291

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    McBains on Brighton Uni scheme


    12:35PM Consultant to control costs on £11.5m new building

  • Senior partner Rob Smith earned £544,000 for the year
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    Davis Langdon sees surge in project management


    12:35PM Firm's PM operations fastest growing division while overall profits up a third and turnover up 15%

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    Turner & Townsend triumphant at QS Awards


    10:30AM Company wins best all round and international gongs at our ceremony

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    Giant vacuum cleaner to attack London’s underground


    11:40AM Tube Lines invests £1m in ballast-sucking track maintenance system

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    Foster & Partners helps fight the Kazakhstan weather


    11:30AM Khan Shatyry tented structure to become country's highest entertainment centre

  • T1's proposed new Mezzanine
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    Dublin Airport submits plans for terminal extension


    11:20AM ADPi consortium to oversee two-storey triangular addition

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    Total security for Transport (UK)


    British security industry association (BSIA) members are helping to meet the countless challenges facing the transport sector in today’s ever-changing world.

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    Todd Research takes training to the workplace


    X-ray screening equipment specialist Todd Research has been running in-house postal terrorism awareness seminars for over a decade, educating thousands of Post Room, management, security, facilities and reception staff.

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    Raising skills


    The policing and private security communities working in harmony... An opportunity for strategic partnerships at the 2012 Olympic Games... The effectiveness of CCTV in creating safer communities...All of these topics and many more were on the agenda at this year’s Skills for Security National Conference. In the first ...

  • Archive Titles

    Opportunity knocks


    Is there a genuine case for integrating sophisticated security systems with other building controls? The joined-up approach being taken by the management team at the Manchester Royal Infirmary ‘Super Hospital’ provides positive proof. Brian Sims talks to Matt Coulson about the networked digital age facing security managers.

  • Archive Titles

    JVC’s on the network...


    JVC’s intuitive VR-N900U nine-channel Network Video Recorder incorporates Milestone Systems’ XProtect software as standard

  • Paul Goggins
    Archive Titles

    SIA to regulate private security industry in Northern Ireland


    The remit of the Security Industry Authority is to be extended to Northern Ireland, creating a single UK regulatory scheme for the private security industry.

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    In search of greater pay


    Globally, the chief security officer (CSO) is now managing many of the corporate enterprise’s risks, but the sad fact remains that these professionals are still paid far less than comparable function heads. At a time when security leads the business agenda, why is this so? Peter French discusses the current ...

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    In full support of One Voice


    Sir – Licensing and regulation of the private security industry in many different areas of solutions delivery is accepted by all reputable contractors as being very welcome indeed.

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    Enforcement in The Real World


    Much has been spoken and written of late in relation to the Security Industry Authority’s moves aimed at enforcing compliance with the Private Security Industry Act 2001. What has been the impact ‘on the ground’ in one of the UK’s largest cities? In the wake of Operation Seahog, Phil Speed ...

  • Archive Titles

    Manager as empathiser


    The Oxford Dictionary definition of the word ‘empathy’ reads: “The ability to share someone else’s feelings or experiences by imagining what it would be like to be in their situation”, with the verb ‘empathise’ meaning: “To be able to understand how someone else feels”. Here, Del Hunter explains how empathy ...

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    An educational success


    The Guildhall School of Music and Drama has invested in an access control solution to ensure that all staff and students remain safe

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    NHS: “Violence down, prosecutions on the up”


    The numbers of NHS staff physically assaulted in England are down while prosecutions are rising, according to the latest statistics produced by the NHS Security Management Service

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    Something we don’t know, perhaps?


    SIR – I read the Letter To The Editor from Nick van der Bijl (‘The Wider Security Family’s at play’, SMT, October 2006,) with interest.

  • Archive Titles

    Retail theft: a Darwinian Influence


    With the British Retail Consortium’s annual Retail Crime Survey suggesting that acts of shop theft have risen by a massive 70% in the past 12 months, what can retail security managers and loss prevention specialists realistically do to reverse the trend? Douglas Greenwell offers his views as to why solutions ...