All Archive Titles articles – Page 286

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    A load of hot air


    We keep hearing all this nonsense [about global warming] from doomsayers.

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    Agility in the land of the dinosaurs


    How time flies! I appear to have just about unpacked my boxes in Delta House and we have already completed our first strategy workshop.

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    Adiabatic cooling isn’t so great


    I read with interest the article “Cold comfort” in BSj 11/06 regarding adiabatic cooling and its benefits.

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    £50 million available in phase two of the LCBP


    The government has launched the second phase of its Low Carbon Buildings Programme, which aims to encourage the take-up of microgeneration in schools, not for profit and public sector buildings.

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    CIBSE Water Series - Part 1 and 2


    VIn response to growing concerns regarding water shortages, a Water Savings Group has been set up by Defra to bring the key players together and identify and implement solutions.

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    Thief is not that stupid


    It should be made clear that the police have a difficult job to do and that the ordinary bobby has to follow orders from above regardless of agreement with those orders, unless they are in themselves unlawful.

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    Multi applications

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    Teething problems are unavoidable


    The British Security Industry Association has been closely associated with seeing in the new European standards. Here Alex Carmichael, who has addressed many seminars and gatherings on the subject over the past two years, gives the BSIA perspective ...

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    So much red tape


    Carl Samm's article on the Euro Standards and the installer's lot has set off a chain reaction in the installation community. This month we publish more of your letters in response to his opinion that the industry is in a "mess bordering on chaos". Here Geoff Hilton, MD of Kent ...

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    On the move


    This months movers and shakers

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    Winners & losers


    The market for electronic equipment is not growing at such a prodigious rate as in recent years, but contrasting figures show that some sectors are doing well in a period of general cooling...

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    Surveillance ‘on line’


    March Networks, provider of IP-based digital video, will fit its Bombardier Sekurflo system to 190 new trains on the London Underground's sub-surface lines, where the trains run about 5m below the surface.

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    Last orders


    Orson Carte, our man on the tools, ponders life's great mysteries ...

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    Smaller firms ignored


    In reply to the views on regulations within our fine industry, I really can't understand what all the gripes are about. It has to be understood that we live and operate within the UK and as such we are expected to roll over and accept what's dished out to us.

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    UK security firms profit from trade mission to US


    Twenty three UK technology companies have returned from a high-level 'Science for Security' trade mission to Boston and Washington, during which 11 firms entered into security business collaborations with US government departments and contractors.

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    Fire forum


    An increasing number of security installers are wanting to get involved with fire protection. Now, following up on our two series 'Fear of Fire' and 'Future Face of Fire' (both of which can be downloaded on the website) we start a new series. Peter Holmes, ADI-Gardiner's Fire Division product manager ...

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    Keeping an eye on tigers


    Derwent's SuperLED infrared illuminators are being used to help capture night-time footage of endangered tigers in one of the world's most remote habitats.

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    The floodgates seem to have opened as far as installers and the Euro regs are concerned.

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    Panel says go easier on shoplifters


    Increasing violence and abuse against shop staff is leading to new security systems being developed to combat it.

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    Open door on security


    Evolution (Electronic Security Systems) Ltd held an open day recently, attended by over 70 visitors from its 40 regular suppliers.