All Archive Titles articles – Page 262

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    Low energy heating


    To accompany its guides to renewable energy, Viessmann has published a series of case studies on residential and commercial buildings using solar, heat pump and other systems.

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    Tests will not solve Drug problems


    While employee drug testing has its place in any workplace alcohol and other drug policy, there are some concerns I would like to raise in relation to your article on drugs (CM, February 2007).

  • Richard Quincey
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    Living the dream


    Engineer Richard Quincey achieved a long-held ambition to self-build a low energy home for his family in 2005. Here, he assesses whether the house has achieved their high expectations for a low carbon footprint

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    Knot what the doctor ordered


    Before contractor Stradform could get started on a £2.5m office job in Bristol, it had to get rid of an unwelcome visitor: Japanese Knotweed.

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    Olympics costs – the latest


    There was a spate of escalating Olympic budget stories last month.

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    Desktop controller


    Mitsubishi Electric has introduced the G50 virtual air conditioning controller.

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    JCTs newest contract


    Professor Peter Hibberd, secretary-general of JCT, answers our questions

  • Archive Titles

    Consult, not insult


    The government has gone into consultation overdrive. It seems like only yesterday it was asking for industry comment on the Energy Review. Following this, there was the consultation on the proposal for energy billing and metering. Then along came the consultation on measures to reduce carbon emissions in large energy ...

  • Archive Titles

    Civic offices in Woolwich


    Planning consent has been given to new civic offices in Woolwich town centre. The £45 million scheme will include a reception, public library, public services centre, business centre and gallery.

  • Archive Titles

    CIBSE opposes DEFRA scheme


    CIBSE has opposed proposals by DEFRA for an emissions trading scheme in the large non-energy intensive business and public sectors because it would place too much emphasis on saving money rather than carbon.

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    CIBSE National Conference


    CIBSE will use its national conference on 24 and 25 April to launch a simulation division of its Low Carbon Consultants Register.

  • Jeff Middleton gets into the rapping mood.
    Archive Titles

    Licence to chill


    Dallas isn’t renowned for its green credentials or its rappers, but at the ASHRAE winter meeting there, sustainable design, environmental degradation and rap music were on everyone’s lips, says Tim Dwyer, chairman of the CIBSE ASHRAE Group

  • Archive Titles

    More thoughts on climate change


    It is being suggested CIBSE members take a pragmatic approach to climate change and get on with the job; after all, this fits with our laudable sustainability aims. But there is no, or very little, reliable source of information on what is sustainable, and you will not get any help ...

  • Archive Titles

    Olympic challenge


    Since it was announced in 2005 that London will host the 2012 Olympics, it appears every architect and building contractor has been desperate to get involved with the new building project. Following the fiasco of Wembley Stadium, fears have been raised that the ambitious project may run over time and ...

  • Archive Titles

    CDM: what you need to know


    In January we published an overview of the revised construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2007 which come into force in April. HSE Inspector Alec Ferguson highlights some of the key changes

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    Radical changes to CDM regs


    Responsibility for the safety of construction will soon be placed on those who commission and pay for developments, as well as those who design, manage and build them.

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    Interactive CD


    Potterton Commercial has developed a CD-ROM containing literature, technical manuals and data sheets for all of the company’s products, as well as interactive animated 3D CAD drawings which will enable architects and specifiers to design virtual plant rooms on their computers.

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    Simple carbon maths


    With reference to Ian Abley’s article in your February edition, eco accounting, band-wagon or not, seems like a pretty good idea to me.

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    Capital failing on diversity


    Despite London being the most diverse city in the UK, its construction workforce is still dominated by white men, according to a new report. The Construction Industry in London and Diversity Performance blames a ‘fragmented’ industry for failing to reflect the make-up of the capital’s population and has led to ...

  • Archive Titles

    An inspector calls


    All air conditioning systems will soon have to be inspected regularly. Peter Grigg and Hywel Davies look at what procedures services engineers will need to follow to comply with the rules