All Archive Titles articles – Page 260

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    Why specify that ?


    A car plant, a garden centre, an airport terminal, a museum, and a residential development: whatever the flooring application, we’ve got it covered this month

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    Some snowstorm that


    Well, what’s a micron or two between friends?Ray Turner, retired member

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    Sign of the times


    ‘Are things really that bad?’ asks reader James Bell, who submitted this photo.

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    The science of warming


    Most of us actually agree that reduced emissions and reduced consumption is an absolute necessity. However, a fair number of us baulk at the way the issue is discussed, commercialised and (almost) politicised, and so have a sneaking liking for the views expressed by Patrick McKay on your letters page ...

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    Read this!


    HEAT How to Stop the Planet Burning by George Monbiot. Penguin, hardback, £17.99

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    My project


    I’m responsible for the Salt Grammar School project, part of an £84m PFI scheme being delivered by Educo UK (a joint venture partnership between Costain and Ferrovial Agroman). All three schools are due for completion in summer 2008 following a 74-week construction programme.

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    My project


    Michael Taylor joined Costain in December 2006. Last month he was one of the first to graduate from the CIOB non-cognate diploma course.

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    Not a problem


    Your article about the MHS homes HQ, “Broadside”, concentrated on the benefits that can be achieved with adiabatic cooling in conjunction with a Termodeck system (BSj, 11/06). Alex Maguire’s objections to these (BSj, 01/07) were, I think, based on a possible lack of awareness concerning developments in adiabatic cooling technology.

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    We have the power


    Services engineers have the skills to work towards a zero-carbon future. It’s only the can-do attitude that’s missing

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    Piles and piles of piles


    Piling contractor Aarsleff has installed a whopping 4,000 precast concrete piles over the past four years at Cardiff’s £75m Capital Business Park.

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    Picture this


    Jaga Heating Products UK has published a set of photobooks showcasing the company’s collection of heating solutions.

  • Putting a gloss on: High design values at Drake Circus are reflected in the polished pink granite flooring.
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    Polished performance


    Inside knowledge of the Chinese market – as well as construction know-how – helped Szerelmey deliver a top-class flooring job at Plymouth’s Drake Circus.

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    PDAs save trees


    Kier Building Maintenance has given 300 of its workers PDAs so that they don’t have to come into the office to receive instructions in the morning, or to fill out paperwork in the evening.

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    Preservation orders


    Old meets new at Liverpool’s Half Tide Dock.

  • The Beetham Tower in Manchester combines residential apartments with a hotel, and its slim profile posed technical challenges for developers
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    Tall order


    The new Beetham Tower has a simple elegance. But building the requirement for natural ventilation and a single-stair fire safety solution into Manchester’s tallest residential building had its complications

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    Open sesame


    Netherlands-based wireless innovation company Waleli has developed a GSM doorbell. It allows people to answer the door, talk to visitors and even open the door, whether they are at home or not, via telephone over the GSM network.

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    Non-cognate pilot scheme is a winner


    In the 173 years of the CIOB to date , there has been a number of events which, in retrospect, have helped define what the CIOB is about. Normally it is only possible to draw such conclusions in hindsight after a number of years.

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    New ways of working together


    One of the consequences of the introduction of the revised Part L of the Building Regulations is closer collaboration between disciplines. But when will we begin to see the synergies of truly integrated design?

  • Gareth Ellis (1)
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    Who's moved where?


    This month's appointments …