All Archive Titles articles – Page 250

  • Archive Titles

    Bobs world


    My heart sank when I opened my inbox last week. Another rousing e-mail from the chief executive. I’m not sure what offends me most about these messages: the matey tone or the contents.

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    Strategic thinking: get on board


    A lack of strategic leadership could be preventing your organisation from performing at its best. But what is it? Kristina Smith looks for some answers

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    Binding carbon targets for UK


    The publication of the draft Climate Change Bill could see the UK set legally binding targets to cut CO2

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    PFI bidding problems highlighted in report


    PFI is not attracting enough bids, costs are too high and the tendering process is overlong.

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    ODA chief sparks bid fear


    The conspiracy theorists were at it again last month, after the director of construction for the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) hinted that its delivery partner, headed by Ray O’Rourke, might get involved in building projects.

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    BGS make a UK first


    Glue laminated wooden frames and TermoDeck floor slabs will be used in combination for the first time in the UK on a new office building for the British Geological Survey.

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    Are you missing out on the best?


    The Employment Equality (Age) Discrimination Regulations 2006 are designed to ensure nobody is denied a job on the basis of age

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    BDP healthcare


    BDP and its French partner Groupe6 have joined forces to launch a new international healthcare group.

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    Government fails basics


    The government is failing to meet basic targets on carbon emissions, water and waste according to a scathing report by its own green watchdog.

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    Banking on visitors


    The Titan crane is a powerful symbol of Clydebank’s shipbuilding heritage – and a survivor of nightly bombing raids by the Nazis.

  • Archive Titles

    Are we losing our balance?


    Martin Durkin's programme “The Great Global Warming Swindle” (Channel 4, 8 March 2007) provided a useful and reflective background to the current debate in BSj letters. “The acceptance of the orthodox view that unbridled carbon dioxide emissions caused by humans will bring an apocalyptic future has become an act of ...

  • Archive Titles

    Art of gold


    An iconic new art gallery going up in Colchester has has been a challenge from top to bottom for contractor Banner Arts.

  • Alternative energy: Hydrogen can be extracted from water through electrolysis. The only by-products are water vapour and heat. But it’s not an economically viable form of energy yet.
    Archive Titles

    The search for a carbon alternative


    It’s widely available and pollution free. Could hydrogen be a viable replacement for fossil fuels?

  • Archive Titles

    Alterations to the programme


    How are users finding SBEM, the Part L compliance software launched by BRE a year ago? BSj winkles out the good points and the bad, and asks BRE what it is doing about the latter

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    Safety audit is all in hand


    Contractor Pettifer Construction wanted to improve its safety auditing process. So it set up its own software firm to develop a product for PDAs

  • Archive Titles

    Advances in cooling


    Air-conditioning is the theme of this month’s product focus. Dave Smith introduces the section with a look at some of the issues surrounding the replacement of old air-conditioning systems

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    It’s time to act on site safety


    BAA is using an interactive play to tackle attitudes to on-site safety. Rory Olcayto turns theatre critic

  • Archive Titles

    ICS acquired


    NG Bailey has acquired specialist controls company Integrated Control Systems.

  • Cables
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    Concerns about cables


    I read with great interest the comments made by Keith Elves of Westminster District Surveyors (BSj 02/07).

  • David Strong
    Archive Titles

    C4 programme condemned


    Leading energy scientist and head of BRE’s environmental division has slammed the recent Channel 4 Programme The Great Global Warming Swindle as a “tendentious anti-climate change diatribe, largely based on pseudo-scientific contributions”.