All Archive Titles articles – Page 248

  • Archive Titles

    The meter’s running


    A recent research project demonstrates that automatic meter reading can help slash energy consumption in buildings.

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    Spin Master


    Clivet has developed a range of compact footprint, energy saving chillers with cooling outputs from 157 kW to 510 kW.

  • Philip Wolfe
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    The long view


    Philip Wolfe has been pushing solar power since the seventies. If only government policy would show similar commitment to a future for alternative fuels, he tells Will Jones

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    Unreasonable liability levels


    The Association for Consultancy and Engineering has called for consulting engineers to walk away from clients who demand unreasonable levels of liability cover.

  • Paddy Conaghan
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    Leave it to us


    It’s fine for politicians to set carbon reduction targets, but let the industry decide how to achieve them

  • With its striking design and emphasis on low energy use, the Queens Building was intended to embody the innovative ethos of De Montfort University.
    Archive Titles

    Live and learn


    Built nearly a decade apart, the Queens Building at De Montfort and the Centre for Mathematical Studies at Cambridge were both cutting-edge examples of university architecture in their day. They were also both participants in the PROBE project to research buildings’ energy efficiency. Roderic Bunn revisits to compare their ratings ...

  • Archive Titles

    Need to know


    What you need to know this month...

  • Archive Titles

    Do keep up


    Health services are changing fast, not just in terms of clinical tools but in how and where they are delivered. A knowledge-sharing network aims to keep all those involved in the sector abreast of developments. Mike Perry explains

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    Increasing the heat


    Viessmann has made a further move into the biomass market with the purchase of Koeb and Schaefer who sell medium to large biomass boilers (up to 1250 kW) under the KOB brand.

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    Going for a leak


    BOC Refrigerants has launched a leak detection mix to help the UK refrigeration industry meet European rules on the containment of fluorinated gases.

  • There’s no place to hide services in the Courtyard Theatre, yet the air delivery system had to be draught-free and silent to meet the RSC’s acoustic standards.
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    The Show must go on


    Permeable fabric ducts will gently leak conditioned air into the temporary home of the Royal Shakespeare Company while its main theatre undergoes a three-year, £100M redevelopment.

  • Archive Titles

    Let's get renewables right


    The range of views on global warming were summed up in last month’s letters page (BSj 03/07). Since then, the summary of the recently dramatised IPPC report has become available. While it denigrates fossil fuel emissions and land-use change, it does indirectly acknowledge that climate change is a natural phenomenon ...

  • Archive Titles

    Winning formula


    (L-R) Richard Kennedy, David Anderson, Malcolm Johnston and Enda Sweeney from Edinburgh’s Heriot Watt University, pictured above with lecturer Peter Cheesman, won the CIOB 2007 Student Challenge. Students were invited to advise a local authority on how adopting principles of whole-life value could help achieve higher standards of education and ...

  • Archive Titles

    Fleetway House


    Construction work to remodel Fleetway House, spanning Fleet Place and Farringdon Street in London is due to start this month.

  • Archive Titles

    ‘Let’s put up a statue of Ray O’Rourke’, says Flanagan


    President Roger Flanagan declared Ray O’Rourke ‘his hero’ at the annual dinner last month, suggesting that a statue of the industry veteran be erected at Englemere, the CIOB’s Ascot headquarters.

  • Part B
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    Fire safety measures


    In the light of the major revisions to the Building Regulations Part B – Fire safety, the cost research department of Davis Langdon Mott Green Wall looks at the likely impact on services budgets

  • Archive Titles

    Engineers can inject realism


    Philip Gray bids us to visit the DEFRA website for the facts about global warming (BSj 02/07), so I did. Very Old Testament prophet style, rebuking the sins of the people and telling of the wrath to come if we do not repent.

  • Archive Titles

    Look for positives... on your email


    Ray O’Rourke made this impassioned plea to journalists at the Guildhall Dinner: ‘Please, please don’t rip the heart out of the Olympics.

  • Archive Titles

    Japanese show way forward on efficiency


    I take note of Mike Preece’s comments (CM, February, Letters) about time – and, by implication, many other resources – being wasted at the end of a project because of a failure to get things right to start with.

  • Archive Titles

    Give us an easier read


    May I recommend that you print the body of the BSj in easily readable black characters on matt white stock. I make this recommendation since delicate type face on a coloured background – brown in BSj 02/07 – is just about impossible to read.