All Archive Titles articles – Page 212

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    Paper weight


    Dealing with the red tape on public sector projects can tie you in knots. What real value does it bring?

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    Vibration paper


    I read with interest the article on Hand-arm vibration (HAV) in your July/August edition and particularly noted that said article recommended better use of OPERC’s Hand-arm Vibration Database, known as HAVTEC.

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    The soft option


    Ranting and raving to get what you want are out, gentle persuasion and diplomacy are in. Now so-called soft skills have formed part of a masters degree.

  • Parts af the parquet flooring were restored and reused
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    In with the old


    At Unilever House, the rebuilt interior includes painstakingly restored 1930s parquet blocks.

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    Soil nailing


    Soil nailing was the cheapest solution for retaining this steep slope on the site of a new Tesco store in Ballymena, Northern Ireland.

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    Who's moved where?


    This month...

  • To use buildingSMART, architects will need to create an accurate 3D model
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    Smart move


    Imagine all members of a project team working from the same building data model… Christoph Morbitzer of HLM Architects explains how buildingSMART, the international system of interoperability, is making this a reality

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    Mug of the month


    Entries have been positively trickling in this month. Fortunate, then, that Matthew Fryett has sent in a photo of this little beauty.

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    This Month


    In pictures

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    Merton Rule under threat


    Defenders and detractors of the 10% renewables rule rush to lobby government as they scent blood

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    Push-fit manifold


    Hepworth Building Products has extended its Hep2O manifold range with a new fitting that allows direct connection from 22mm to 15mm pipework.

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    Leave it to us


    Should the Merton Rule be scrapped?

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    Leading ladies:


    CIOB will be supporting 50 female graduates between now and March 2008 in a scheme called Female Graduates into Construction.

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    Need to know


    This week

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    Keynes? that’s new


    I enjoyed the article in the June issue of CM entitled ‘Lessons from the New Towns’, but as a resident of Milton Keynes I am intrigued by the revelation that it is known locally as ‘Keynes’.

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    Tunnel struts its stuff


    The largest hydraulic struts in Europe are being used in the construction of a casting basin for tunnel sections for the Limerick Tunnel in Ireland.

  • Martin Chambers
    Archive Titles

    It’s a people thing


    We all know what’s important in property: location, location, location. In construction, it’s people, people, people. It’s people who carry out the work, people who manage the construction process and it’s people who create the designs.

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    Your institute needs you...


    Ever fancied being an ambassador? Well, now’s your chance. CIOB is revamping its Ambassador Programme and looking for volunteers.

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    The hole story


    Kristina Smith reports on how Tensar is attempting to regain market share by reinventing a tried and tested product

  • Archive Titles

    Put planning in private hands


    I have been lobbying for changes to planning legislation, which is archaic and totally out of date with modern trends.