All Archive Titles articles – Page 195

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    The month... in pictures


    Of the 200,000 migrants entering the UK each year, 77,000 find work in the construction industry and around 10% of all construction workers are non-UK nationals.

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    The month... in words


    We do expect them to submit a bid, but if they don’t, we have a plan B. But they are a world-class company and they are very interested in the project. ODA chief executive David Higgins on Balfour Beatty’s aquatic centre bid.

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    The month... in numbers


    9 The number of storeys developer Heron has had to slice off its planned central London tower over concerns about views of St Paul’s Cathedral raised by architecture watchdog CABE, English Heritage and local residents.

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    Mobile technology winner


    Chris Carey, MCIOB

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    Need to know


    Free Carbon Calculator

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    HSE replies


    We asked the HSE what they thought CIOB members should do in situations similar to those mentioned above.

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    Red hot news


    As CM went to press we were alerted to an incident unfolding in Salford, Leicestershire. An amateur scientist, experimenting at home on a new method of bonding radioactive particles, unwittingly set off a violent chain reaction which engulfed the entire terrace in a ball of orange glowing phosphorescent gas.

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    No place to hide


    In echoes of an Orwellian landscape, companies are keeping 24/7 tabs on their workers via tracking devices in their vehicles – and reaping the benefits.

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    Skills shortages? We’ve got no idea


    I recently attended a presentation at the Construction Industry Council on the construction labour market.

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    Get your teeth into waste


    Heard about the new waste regulations which require all waste to be segregated? Many apparently haven’t, according to Digbits director Marcus Clay.

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    Helen Garthwaite


    Check when and how you are being paid. When companies are very busy they take their eye off the ball

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    Duty or not duty?


    I sympathise with Mr Cutts’ dilemma regarding health and safety issues with smaller builders (letters, CM October).

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    Olympics deals get closer


    Rising costs and contractors with cold feet dominate recent news on the 2012 Olympics programme.

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    Climbing the ladder


    Nicola Spears

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    HSE clamps down on vehicle falHSE clamps down on vehicle falls


    The HSE will be visiting construction sites across the UK until the end of the year in a campaign to reduce falls from vehicles.

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    Brum project gets a lift


    When Phil Hefferman and his team were brought on board to erect scaffolding on the £17m Hub apartment block in Birmingham’s city centre, he decided it was an ideal job for the Haki Lock’n Load system.

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    Bobs world


    It’s not long until Christmas. And you know what that means: Christmas parties.

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    Code deals Blow to renewable energy


    In October, the government’s communities department published guidance on the Code for Sustainable Homes.

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    Do your bit for safety


    In response to your letter headed ‘What would you do now?’ (letters, CM October), regarding intervening if you see unsafe practices on site, here’s my advice:

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    When being green is not so good


    Buying a van? Then you should consider how well it’ll sell when it’s time to get rid. Auction firm BCA says that even seemingly trivial matters such as colour can make a difference. Here are its top tips on selling...