All Archive Titles articles – Page 173

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    Diploma dismissed


    A survey of admission tutors at research universities has revealed that 38% are ‘unlikely’ or ‘very unlikely’ to accept the new diplomas, including the Construction and Built Environment Diploma, which are due to be introduced this autumn (see last month’s CM).

  • The college is intended to be a high-quality landmark for its high-profile location
    Archive Titles

    Learning curve


    A new sixth-form college in a deprived area had to be something special – and that meant handmade bricks on a curved façade and a tight timeframe. Stephen Cousins swotted up on the details

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    Curious incident on Mars


    While everyone and their aunt continues to fret over the “need to take action against global warming”, a curious thing has been occurring on Mars.

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    How to solve our identity crisis


    Dr David Strong is wasting his energy on worrying about the CIBSE title. Unlike him, I did not stumble into building services.

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    Your vote counts


    Product Innovation of the Year is a new category at the 2008 Building Services Awards, intended to recognise the best new product from an equipment manufacturer.

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    Taxman clamps down on taxis


    HM Revenue & Customs is clamping down on employees’ excessive use of taxis when working after normal hours.

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    Tips of the trade — Cladding


    Stephen Maddalena, chairman of the Architectural Cladding Association (ACA), has some advice on precast concrete panels

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    Take a few chapters from the Chinese


    Sub-prime woes are taking their toll on the banking sector, with repercussions for world stock markets and a threat of widespread recession.

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    Sporting chance


    Work will soon start on Newport’s Bettws High School, a 1100-pupil project with a 25m swimming pool and sports hall.

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    Energy Performance Certificates: what you need to do


    In less than two months, energy performance certificates (EPCs) will be required by law, whenever a new home is built or a new or existing non-residential building over 50m² is constructed, sold or rented out. Andrew Tee explains the impact of the legislation and what you need to do before ...

  • Archive Titles

    Summer casts cloud over NCM templates


    Just a quick comment on the subject of discrepancy in the NCM templates for schools.

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    In for a bumpy ride: recession predicted for sector


    The Construction Products Association downgraded its growth forecasts made last summer, from 1.8% to 1.1%, warning that the slowdown in the housing sector, combined with slow government investment, could lead to recession in the industry. The Federation of Master Builders reported that client enquiries for all types of work ...

  • Foster’s added a 46-storey tower to the original six-storey Hearst Building of 1928
    Archive Titles

    New York Times and the Hearst Building: New York’s greenest buildings


    Two landmark buildings have joined the manhattan skyline. one is LEED Gold, the other isn’t rated at all, but which is the greener, and can they make a dent in the city’s energy-guzzling reputation, asks Will Jones

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    BSJ preview the Energy-using Products Directive


    Stand by for another EU directive, this one aimed at making construction products and systems more sustainable. David Arminas explains

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    Bobs world


    We’ve been reminiscing this month about the bad old days of subbie bashing.

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    Blood, sweat and tears


    Ian Whittingham, the subject of this month’s cover story (p16), makes a bleak observation about construction deaths: they just aren’t news. The assumption is that construction is a dangerous business so if someone happens to die while building something, so what?

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    Blazing saddles


    Contrary to your article, Sustrans’ Connect 2, which won The People’s £50 Million Lottery Giveaway, involves a great deal of construction.

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    Don’t blame utilities


    I would like to comment on the problems that utility companies allegedly have on construction contracts.

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    Bishop offers recruiting tip


    The Bishop of Southwark has challenged the UK’s leading engineers to use climate change and energy generation issues as the carrot to get more young people into the profession.

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    Merton Rules over biomass confusion


    Think again if you believe biomass is an easy response to the Merton Rule. It’s not great for the environment, or us, says Robert Kyriakides